week 1: introduction (two views of the favela)
week 2: what is culture? (Williams, Keesing)
week 3: what is the people? (Perón, Borges)
week 4: what is popular culture in Latin America? (Rowe and Schelling)
week 5: popular culture as folk culture (Asturias, Arguedas)
week 6: theories of mixture I: mestizaje (Vasconcelos, Wade)
week 7: mid-term break
week 8: revision and mid-term exam
week 9: folk culture and modernity (Campbell, Taussig)
week 10: theories of mixture II: transculturation (Ortiz, Cornejo Polar, Millington)
week 11: popular culture as mass culture (Bellos, Hippolyte Ortega)
March 17: review paper due
week 12: theories of mixture III: hybridity (García Canclini)
week 13: the end of popular culture in Latin America? (Gómz-Peña, Beltrán, Velázquez)
week 14: conclusion
April 7: final paper due