Our LAVA meeting this week (Wednesday June 24, 3pm PT, on Zoom) will be led by Gabriel Smith and Warren Code from the Faculty of Science. They will be presenting “Difficulty and Gender Analysis of Course Grades: A Dashboard”
From Gabriel and Warren:
Inspired by the work of the SEISMIC group (https://sites.google.com/umich.edu/SEISMIC/working-groups/key-projects) on demographic effects in introductory STEM courses, we have developed a dashboard (in R Shiny) to explore course performance in introductory courses in the Faculty of Science relative to grade averages over other courses taken, both in general for a course to give a sense of the relative “difficulty” of a course, and also with respect to the gender of the students. With data drawn from 1st and 2nd year Science courses across a sample of recent years, we will provide a live demonstration of our dashboard (with obfuscated course names) which has a “macro” level to show patterns in disciplines or types (lecture vs. lab) of courses and a “micro” level to drill down into one chosen course at a time. We will discuss our choices in visualization and modelling in adapting the approach of the SEISMIC group, and offer a brief overview of trends we have observed so far.
If you would like to attend but are not part of the LAVA emailing list, please contact Alison Myers (alison.myers@sauder.ubc.a) for the Zoom information. You can also request that Alison add you to the LAVA mailing list, where we share information about upcoming LAVA sessions.