Alison Myers is a Research Analyst at UBC Sauder School of Business. Working on a variety of data projects, she has been using Tableau for creating interactive dashboards and visualizations. In this session she will be presenting some tips and tricks and a closer to intermediate level demonstration of Tableau. From Alison:
“I will be presenting some tips and tricks and a closer to intermediate level demonstration of Tableau. In only an hour we won’t be able to go into too much detail, so if you are a beginner (or not a Tableau user at all) I think you will still get something out of this session, and some of the things I will talk about, I wish I had discovered earlier in my Tableau journey. The tips and tricks will be the “little things” that I often do when I am working on a Tableau project to keep myself organized (and sane). I will spend most of the time talking about things that I do when I’m building visualizations that either make things easier (for me), or take advantage of thinking about Tableau in a different way. This will likely include:
- Calculated fields that you would likely find in all of my dashboards
- Thinking about tableau sheets in X and Y: (this blog is very well done and really changed how I think about building visualizations in Tableau)
- Table calculations (although, I’ll be honest, I only have a basic understanding of this myself, so we’ll see how brushed up I can get before Tuesday)
I will briefly introduce some of the topics and include resources, and others I will go more into depth during the hour. As always, there is generally no one way to use Tableau, so this demonstration is from my experience only, and feedback is always welcome. I will try to share a workbook that you can all download to follow along (or that will at least have the same dataset)”