The Society for Learning Analytics Research ‘Handbook of Learning Analytics (First Edition)’ launches in March 2017. It offers chapters range across pretty much any relevant topic you can think off, and is intended to introduce and review them. This page allows you to download PDF chapters for free, or you can keep checking and order a full hard copy of the book when it launches in the coming month.
- Teacher’s College, Columbia University offers the first ever Masters in Learning Analytics (online, and an MSc).
- Northeastern University (Boston) is now offering a Masters of Education in Learning Analytics (online).
- Brandeis University is now offering a Graduate Certificate in Learning Analytics (online).
- Northwestern University offers Masters and PhD degrees in Learning Sciences (1 year masters, full time, face to face).
- Carnegie Mellon University offers a 1-year full-time face to face Master of Educational Technology and Applied Learning Science.
A number of learning analytics, data science, machine learning and text analysis MOOCs are also available online on a rotating basis on edx, coursera and FutureLearn. Check them out.