BC Parks within the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy has created the BC Parks Student Ranger Program to promote outdoor youth employment opportunities across the province. Students studying and/or interested in pursuing future studies or employment in a related field are encouraged to apply.
Applications are now being accepted for student ranger crew member and student ranger crew lead positions. The competitions close at 11:00 pm on February 21, 2021.
Twelve crews will be recruited, hired and employed by BC Parks across BC Parks. Locations for crews during the 2021 season include:
- Black Creek (Miracle Beach Provincial Park)
- Chilliwack (Cultus Lake Provincial Park)
- Cranbrook
- Dease Lake*
- Fort St. John
- Hagensborg (Tweedsmuir Provincial Park (South))
- Liard Area (Liard River Hot Springs Provincial Park, Muncho Lake Provincial Park)*
- Penticton
- Prince George
- Smithers
- Squamish (Alice Lake Provincial Park)
- Terrace (Lakelse Lake Provincial Park)
- Victoria (Goldstream Provincial Park Office)
- Williams Lake
Find out how to apply here