Wild Animal Welfare Conference

The WAWC is delighted that its first virtual conference includes presentations from some of the leading names in animal welfare around the world. We are most grateful to all the speakers for embracing the challenge of answering our three questions about wild animal welfare (Does it matter? Can it be assessed? How can it be optimized?), in addition to agreeing to speak at times of day which are not necessarily conducive to their own welfare. We extend our thanks to them all.

Monday 19 April 2021 from 12:45AM to 9:00AM hrs PST (08:45 to 17:00 hrs BST)

The event will include sessions on:

  • Safeguarding wild animal welfare using the Five Domains approach
  • The contextual nature of how we value wild animals
  • Evaluation of wild animal welfare
  • Interactions between animal welfare, species conservation and management, and human issues

To view the programme and register, visit their website.

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