Job Opportunity: PASS Leaders

The Faculty of Land and Food Systems is hiring Peer-Assisted Study Session (PASS) Leaders to lead study sessions for students in Forestry and Land & Food Systems as part of our PASS Program. The job ID is: 887113 and the posting is located here:

PASS is offered for courses that are historically difficult for students – the courses we will be offering PASS sessions for next year are:

  • Term 1: CHEM 121 (when you took it, it may have been Chem 120), MATH 102, MATH 190, MATH 180
  • Term 2: BIOL 121, APBI 200, MATH 103

Student Leaders will need to have taken at least 1 of the courses listed from each term to be eligible for this position and be residing in Canada from Sept. 2021 – Apr 2022.

We are recruiting 2 PASS leaders to deliver small study sessions; this is a paid position and you would be working with 3 other leaders –one more from LFS and 2 from Forestry.

The job description can be found on Careers Online. We are accepting applications (resume and cover letter) for this position until  Sunday April 11th at 11:59pm, submitted through the Careers Online portal.

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