2022 International Farm Animal Welfare Fellowship

Applications have officially opened for the 2022 International Farm Animal Welfare Fellowship!

Our fellowship includes a curated 3 months online program from May to August 2022, followed by continued community support. We hope to unite and support individuals with a shared passion for improving the welfare of farm animals in China. We believe that a multidisciplinary approach is needed to achieve this, and therefore welcome and encourage individuals with diverse backgrounds and approaches to apply.

The fellowship will feature interactions with notable figures including Professor David Fraser (University of British Columbia), Jian Yi (Good Food Fund), Professor Guo Peng (Shandong University), Paul Littlefair (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), Pearl Zhang (International Cooperation Committee of Animal Welfare), Lisa Yang (Global Food Partners), Dr Xiong Chuanwu (Integrated Quality Consulting), Ziya Huang (Tianxia Academy), Professor Qian Yefang (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law), Jonathon Tree (Environmental and Animal Society of Taiwan), Jeff Zhou (Compassion in World Farming), and more.


Application deadline: March 31st 


For more information, please visit our website at: ifawf.org

Applications are available at: https://jinshuju.net/f/dbZ2So




Warm wishes,


Maria Chen 陈榕珊

Fellowship Cofounder and Director

regenBC Conference

September 27- 29
6:00 – 8:00pm

The Province is hosting a virtual regenerative agriculture and agritech conference: regenBC. Join us to hear from experts and learn how combining regenerative agriculture and agritech can help farmers, food security and the environment.

regenBC will feature keynotes each night, followed by simultaneous streams of deeper-dive talks and panels.

View the agenda or register here.

UBC CAS Student Directed Seminar

Introduction to CAS (Critical Animal Studies) will explore how systems of oppression which marginalize humans are intertwined with those that harm nonhuman animals. The literature, research and theoretical frameworks which ground this seminar are those of CAS scholars whose work is rooted in the connection between theory and practice, with an unapologetic emphasis on nonhuman animal liberation from human exploitation. Students in the seminar will choose a topic within CAS which most interests them and lead a lecture and group discussion with their fellow classmates, write reflections on readings, engage in peer review of assignments and write a research paper or complete a creative project. In class we will explore how critical animal studies is connected with and informed by racism, settler colonialism, disability, feminism, domestication, cisheteronormativity, capitalism, media studies, veganism, and grassroots activism.

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