UBC CAS Student Directed Seminar

Introduction to CAS (Critical Animal Studies) will explore how systems of oppression which marginalize humans are intertwined with those that harm nonhuman animals. The literature, research and theoretical frameworks which ground this seminar are those of CAS scholars whose work is rooted in the connection between theory and practice, with an unapologetic emphasis on nonhuman animal liberation from human exploitation. Students in the seminar will choose a topic within CAS which most interests them and lead a lecture and group discussion with their fellow classmates, write reflections on readings, engage in peer review of assignments and write a research paper or complete a creative project. In class we will explore how critical animal studies is connected with and informed by racism, settler colonialism, disability, feminism, domestication, cisheteronormativity, capitalism, media studies, veganism, and grassroots activism.

Science Advisory Board for Contaminated Sites in BC (SABCS)

The Science Advisory Board for Contaminated Sites in BC (SABCS) and we are hosting our 11th annual conference on contaminated sites virtually this year on September 27, 28, and 29 from 8:30am to 12:30pm, each day. The theme of the event is “Adaptation and Resilience in Contaminated Lands Management”, and in particular, innovation and technologies to address these challenges. We are excited to announce that we have 14 expert speakers lined up for this year’s event.

We are currently offering a rate of $175 for university students and young professionals for this event, however there are also scholarship opportunities available for those that require financial assistance. This is an especially good opportunity for students who are close to graduating as there will be many industry professionals at the event, as well as time for virtual networking.

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