xWc̓ic̓əsəm Indigenous land-based Summer Internship at UBC Farm


IURE is based at xʷc̓ic̓əsəm Garden at UBC Farm and collectively led by a group of Indigenous Elders, knowledge keepers, community members, students, and Indigenous Faculty. Interns participate in on-going research projects with faculty, graduate students, and community members. They participate in planning, designing, implementing pilot-scale research projects, and assist in data collection using qualitative and quantitative methods and Indigenous methodologies. Students learn about Indigenous research, frameworks, research methodologies, land-based pedagogies, research ethics, and Indigenous Community protocols for reciprocal and productive community engagement.

Applications must be received by Sunday, April 22, 2021.

See here for internship details and to apply.

West Vancouver Foundation Scholarship

This year the West Vancouver Foundation is offering the Hartvikson Memorial Scholarship in Memory of Lourdes Llamzon to be awarded to an individual enrolling in a post-secondary institution in Canada studying sustainable agriculture and food systems.

2021 SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION DEADLINE – Wednesday April 14, 2021 (by end of day).

For information on eligibility and how to apply, visit their website.

2021 alumni UBC Student Tuition Contest

Hey UBC Students. Studying is hard work but entering this contest doesn’t have to be!
Win $2,500 towards your UBC tuition to make your academic life a little easier.

Two prizes will be awarded – one for the UBC Vancouver campus and one for the UBC Okanagan campus. Enter for your chance to win!

Open to all currently registered UBC students. Contest closes March 14th, 2021.

Enter here: https://www.alumni.ubc.ca/tuition/

Become a Student Member of BCIA

Hello everyone,

Your BCIA Vancouver Branch Student Representatives would like to help you continue to navigate the British Columbia Institute of Agrologists (BCIA) https://www.bcia.com/  and explore what it can offer you as a student or a recent graduate.

What is BCIA?

“BCIA is the provincial organization authorized under the Agrologists Act, a British Columbia statute, to govern the professional conduct of its registrants, in support of the public interest. Persons who hold themselves out to be a Professional Agrologist or Registered Technologist in Agrology must be duly registered with BCIA under the Act.  BCIA has 1400+ practicing agrologists, who are professionals in areas such as agriculture, food production, environment and resource management.” View a Summary of the BC Institute of Agrologists

Upcoming Event

Vancouver Branch 2020 AGM: a virtual AGM  Zoom hosted by the BCIA Vancouver Branch. This is a great opportunity to see what your Branch has been up to last year and what is planned for the year to come.

  • Time: 6:00 pm (PST), February 4, 2021
  • Registration is open now

How to become a member?

  • Student membership is free and you can apply online.
  • Applicants for Articling Agrologist within 6 months of graduation will have 50% off application fee waived. Click here to see the requirement of becoming an Articling Agrologist.
  • Introducing the new ‘Registered Technologist in Agrology (RTAg)’. Find out more.

Resources and Events

As a student member you will have access to many events:

  • Networking:
    • Tradeshows
    • Volunteering opportunities
    • Mentorships
    • Drinks with Aggies
  • Professional development
    • Field trips
    • Workshops
    • Conferences
  • Agrology related resources and articles
  • BCIA AGMs & Annual Conference
  • BC Land Summit (every 4 years)
  • Employment opportunities and listings
  • Access to other Professional Agrologists’
  • Scholarships

Most of the events have waived or reduced registrations costs for student members.

BCIA’s Response to Covid-19

In light of the provincial health officer and minister of health orders and directives that are aimed at preventing the spread of the virus in BC, BCIA is taking steps to support public health recommendations to reduce the spread of COVID-19.  During this time, the BCIA and all branches are working to provide on-line and virtual events. As a member you will receive information and have access to future events.

BCIA Student Liaison Contacts

Your BCIA Vancouver Branch Student Liaison contacts are available to answer any questions you may have and help you navigate the BCIA and applications process.

Contact info for other branches: https://www.bcia.com/contact-us/branch-executive-council

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