West Vancouver Foundation Scholarship

This year the West Vancouver Foundation is offering the Hartvikson Memorial Scholarship in Memory of Lourdes Llamzon to be awarded to an individual enrolling in a post-secondary institution in Canada studying sustainable agriculture and food systems.

2021 SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION DEADLINE – Wednesday April 14, 2021 (by end of day).

For information on eligibility and how to apply, visit their website.

PRSSS Spring Workshop and Annual General Meeting

The PRSSS will be hosting the annual Spring Workshop and AGM online this year. They will be featuring soil scientists and experts from many disciplines discussing key issues related to Biodiversity in Soils: Environmental, Social, and Economic benefits in a changing world.

Registration cost will be $15 for students and $50 for non-students*. The price includes registration and a PRSSS annual membership for 2021/2022. The 2022/2022 membership registration cycle lasts from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022.

For more details, and to register, CLICK HERE!

*If you, or someone you know, are unable to pay the registration fee at this time, please email us at prsssemail@gmail.com and we can make other arrangements. Soil science is for everyone, and cost should not be a barrier to education. If you identify as Indigenous and would like to attend the event, we will waive the registration fee to reflect the fact that the soils we study are on stolen land, therefore all soil science research should be openly available to Indigenous peoples.

BC Parks Hiring Rangers for the Summer


BC Parks within the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy has created the BC Parks Student Ranger Program to promote outdoor youth employment opportunities across the province.  Students studying and/or interested in pursuing future studies or employment in a related field are encouraged to apply.

Applications are now being accepted for student ranger crew member and student ranger crew lead positions. The competitions close at 11:00 pm on February 21, 2021.

Twelve crews will be recruited, hired and employed by BC Parks across BC Parks. Locations for crews during the 2021 season include:

  • Black Creek (Miracle Beach Provincial Park)
  • Chilliwack (Cultus Lake Provincial Park)
  • Cranbrook
  • Dease Lake*
  • Fort St. John
  • Hagensborg (Tweedsmuir Provincial Park (South))
  • Liard Area (Liard River Hot Springs Provincial Park, Muncho Lake Provincial Park)*
  • Penticton
  • Prince George
  • Smithers
  • Squamish (Alice Lake Provincial Park)
  • Terrace (Lakelse Lake Provincial Park)
  • Victoria (Goldstream Provincial Park Office)
  • Williams Lake

Find out how to apply here

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