Looking for a MSc Student Interested in Mental Health and One Welfare to Apply ASAP // For Senior Undergrads

Hi folks,

I’m looking for a domestic student to apply for a Mitacs/Mental Health Research Canada internship and MSc looking at dairy and beef farmer mental health (and how it relates to cattle health and welfare).

If you know of any keen students, could you please let them know or let me know? They would need to apply to the university today (or early next week) but I have the Mitacs/MHRC application almost complete.

Thanks so much,


Meagan King

Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Science
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, University of Manitoba
Email: Meagan.King@umanitoba.ca
Website: https://meagantmking.wixsite.com/research

UBC Life Blog: The 5 emotional stages of switching majors

“It takes a lot of courage to reroute your path. Things that used to be certain are no longer grounded in certainty…and the future originally imagined is erased and rewritten.” – Meg Kuang

In this short read, Meg breaks down why she decided to switch majors and provides helpful insight on ensuring you’re in the degree and major that is right for you.  Check it out!


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