The BC SPCA’s annual Wildlife-In-Focus photography contest runs July 1 – 30. They need a team of 2 dedicated volunteers to make the contest a success. Do you love B.C.’s diverse wildlife? Are you passionate about wild animals and urban wildlife? If you are self-motivated, organized and enthusiastic, they are looking for you!
The Volunteer Contest Coordinator requires a commitment of approximately two to six hours per week for the duration of the contest and includes such tasks as managing and labelling photo contest entries, daily checking and response to contest emails, and soliciting prizes for winning entries. There will also be some required commitments in advance of the contest opening and after the conclusion of the contest. Volunteers should expect the position to last from mid-June through mid-August, with most hours occurring in the month of July.
For more information on the position and how to apply, visit the
BCSPCA webpage.