Looking for a MSc Student Interested in Mental Health and One Welfare to Apply ASAP // For Senior Undergrads

Hi folks,

I’m looking for a domestic student to apply for a Mitacs/Mental Health Research Canada internship and MSc looking at dairy and beef farmer mental health (and how it relates to cattle health and welfare).

If you know of any keen students, could you please let them know or let me know? They would need to apply to the university today (or early next week) but I have the Mitacs/MHRC application almost complete.

Thanks so much,


Meagan King

Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Science
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, University of Manitoba
Email: Meagan.King@umanitoba.ca
Website: https://meagantmking.wixsite.com/research

The 4th Food Structure and Functionality Symposium

October 19-20, 2021

The 4th Food Structure and Functionality Symposium – Structuring Foods for a Sustainable World will bring together renowned speakers from academia and industry – the people that push the boundaries in food research and production.

Presentations will describe developments in food structure design and functionality that confront the challenges of a rapidly changing world.

Contributions are invited in the areas of macro-molecular interactions in complex food systems, structure-function relationships, food materials science, alternative proteins, oral processing, digestion, advanced visualisation, novel imaging techniques and much more….

Learn more and register here.

Research Internships at Mitacs!

Mitacs Accelerate Updates

Mitacs is pleased to share a few updates about Mitacs Accelerate! Accelerate supports collaborative research internships between students, faculty members, and non-academic partners.

  • Undergraduate students are now eligible again for Mitacs projects.
  • SME companies (less than 500 employees) and NFP are eligible to SME discount (while quantities last). With this discount the contribution of the first 4-6 months per student is only $3,750.
  • Eligible partner organizations include companies, not-for-profit organizations. Municipalities and hospitals are now eligible partners again in 2021. Mitacs | Hospital
  • Industrial Postdoctoral fellowship is back. This programs offers funding of up to $60k per year with a $30k contribution from the partner (or $25k contribution with the SME discount applied).
  • If projects involve non-academic partners or students that self-identify as Indigenous, then the program offer 3:1 matching! (partner contributes only 25%) Mitacs | Indigenous Call
  • Applications are accepted any time, reviewed in 6-8 weeks, and have >95% success rate as always.

    Mitacs representatives are available to support – looking forward to discussing research partnership opportunities with you.

Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Indigeneity (EDI.I) Spotlight

Eckelbarger, M., Rice, S. L., Osano, A., Peng, J., Ullah, H., & Rhee, S. Y. (2021). Recognizing pioneering Black plant scientists in our schools and society. Trends in Plant Science.

This article highlights the achievements of four pioneering Black plant scientists to raise awareness of the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in science. Their stories come alive at Historically Black Colleges and Universities through exhibits of science and art and classroom activities (https://www.plantcellatlas.org/pca-art-exhibit.html).

*If you have an article, book or resource you would like to share and have highlighted, please send citation and links to Anisha Sandhu (anisha.sandhu@alumni.ubc.ca)

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