UBC Life Blog: The 5 emotional stages of switching majors

“It takes a lot of courage to reroute your path. Things that used to be certain are no longer grounded in certainty…and the future originally imagined is erased and rewritten.” – Meg Kuang

In this short read, Meg breaks down why she decided to switch majors and provides helpful insight on ensuring you’re in the degree and major that is right for you.  Check it out!


Wild Animal Welfare Conference

The WAWC is delighted that its first virtual conference includes presentations from some of the leading names in animal welfare around the world. We are most grateful to all the speakers for embracing the challenge of answering our three questions about wild animal welfare (Does it matter? Can it be assessed? How can it be optimized?), in addition to agreeing to speak at times of day which are not necessarily conducive to their own welfare. We extend our thanks to them all.

Monday 19 April 2021 from 12:45AM to 9:00AM hrs PST (08:45 to 17:00 hrs BST)

The event will include sessions on:

  • Safeguarding wild animal welfare using the Five Domains approach
  • The contextual nature of how we value wild animals
  • Evaluation of wild animal welfare
  • Interactions between animal welfare, species conservation and management, and human issues

To view the programme and register, visit their website.

National Dairy Shrine Scholarships

The National Dairy Shrine offers more than $35,000 in scholarships for college students. A wide variety of scholarships are available from freshman just beginning their college career to graduate students. Scholarships offered include:

  • NDS Student Recognition Award for Seniors
    • Value: 1st: $2,000; 2nd: $1,500; 3rd and greater: $1,000. Number of awards id dependent on number and quality of applicants and availability of funds.
  • NDS Merton Sowerby Junior Merit Scholarship
    • Value: 1st: $1,500; 2nd and greater: $1,000
  • NDS Mike Lancaster Sophomore Merit Scholarship
    • Value: 1st: $1,500; 2nd and greater: $1,000
  • NDS/DMI Milk Marketing and Dairy Products Scholarship
    • Value: 1st: $1,500; 2nd and greater: $1,000
  • NDS/DMI Education and Communication Scholarship
    • Value: 1st: $1,500; 2nd and greater: $1,000
  • Iager Scholarship for Two-Year College Students
    • Value: Up to 2 at $1,000 each
  • NDS Maurice E. Core Freshman Scholarships
    • Value: $1,000
  • NDS McCullough Freshman Communications Scholarship
    • Value: $1,000
  • Klussendorf/McKown Scholarships
    • Value: 7 at $1,500

All applications are due to the National Dairy Shrine office by April 15, 2021.

Eligibility and application details can be found through this link.

Grad School Opportunity: Food Microbiology at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

The food microbiology program at the Summerland Research and Development Centre is led by Dr. Karen Fong and conducts research to ensure the safety and security of the Canadian food supply. The Summerland Research and Development Centre is one of 20 research centres in Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s national network. Established in 1914, it is in the heart of the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia and contains a food processing facility, a control level II laboratory and a full microscopy suite.

The student will conduct research on Salmonella bacteriophages, with the aim of identifying bacteriophages that utilize specific protein receptors on the cell surface of Salmonella for infection.

The student must be currently enrolled/or willing to enrol in an MSc program at the University of British Columbia, specializing in Food Science.

Closing date: 6 April 2021 – 23:59, Pacific Time

See the original posting for more information and to apply.

Job Opportunity: Wildlife Collision Prevention Program Communications Coordinator

The Wildlife Collision Prevention Program (WCPP), managed by the BC Conservation Foundation, strives to make BC highways safer for both people and wildlife through public awareness, driver education and collaboration with researchers, government and industry stakeholders.

The WCPP Communications Coordinator will assist the WCPP Program Coordinator in delivering and developing communication aspects of the program, and ensuring information presented to the public is science and/or traditional ecological knowledge based. Communication aspects may include: content creation for and management of social media pages; website content updates; brochure design and distribution; radio and print media ads; public awareness campaign content and planning.

Closing Date:  Monday, April 5th at 12 pm.

See job posting for more details on this position and to apply.

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