Interview Prep Workshops

Join your LFS Career Strategist, Rob Kim, to develop a better recipe for your online interview preparation.  This is an opportunity to learn some different cooking techniques to produce a more appealing and engaging story for your interviews.

This session will cover:

  • Ideas and processes to discover your unique story (creative writing and brainstorming)
  • Ideas to practice testing your story leading up to the interview (mindset and preparation)

There will also be a light touch on online setup and the day of interview considerations.

Two webinars are offered (one hour):

If you are wanting 1 on 1 advising, you can access drop-in sessions (M-F) with our career education team (log in to CareersOnline at 9 am) to sign up.

Job Opportunity: Practicum Program Assistant at the UBC Farm

The UBC Farm Practicum Work-Learn will support the UBC Farm team in the development and delivery of the UBC Farm Practicum in Sustainable Agriculture. Tasks may include, but are not limited to: coordination, assistance and delivery support of hands-on learning experiences; support of Practicum program, including support the development of new Practicum programming.  The work-learn will have the opportunity to develop skills associated with experiential education in the context of sustainable food production for adult learners.   For more information about the Practicum program, please see

Application deadline: March 28

Anticipated start date: May 1

For full position description and link to apply, please scroll down to “Practicum Program Assistant” on our website:

Inquiries may be sent to Practicum Coordinator, Seth Friedman:

Climate Justice Webinar Series: How Do We Turn Advocacy into Action?


Fri, 19 March 2021 from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM PST

This session will focus on how climate justice activism and advocacy translate into government action.

The discussion will include reflections on what climate justice means to the panelists, and how they are building it into their work; the process of translating climate justice activism and advocacy into government action; and the role of citizens and social movements in bringing about climate justice focused government action.

Visit here for more information about this webinar and to register.

2021 Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Conference (MURC)

MURC is a conference for UBC undergraduate students to showcase their research in front of their fellow UBC students, family, and friends. Researchers may choose one of two formats to showcase their research: presentation or poster. See the conference schedule here.

The 2021 Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Conference (MURC) will be taking place live online from March 20 – March 21, 2021.
The recorded conference programming will be available on Canvas from March 22 – March 28, 2021.

Register here by March 18.

Summer 2021 WorkLearn Positions Open

Summer 2021 WorkLearn positions are now posted on Careers Online. WorkLearns are a great way to gain valuable work experience, connect with faculty and build your skillset. Connect with Rob Kim for career advising if you have any questions about perfecting your resume or acing that interview.

The UBC Farm has 26 openings and there are several openings within the LFS faculty!

Try using search terms in the search bar that match your interests or the faculty you want to work with (e.g. science, biology, insects, Land and Food Systems, botany, animals, etc).

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