Virtual One Health International Summer School -`Hidden figures in the food chain`

From soils to plants, animals and humans – explore health connections along terrestrial food chains in different food production systems. Experience cutting-edge research and connect with leading One Health scientists during virtual lab visits. Team up with peers from all around the world and learn about healthy agroecosystems from an interdisciplinary perspective and together use all of your skills as One Health detectives to find potential solutions to some of the most pressing problems of the future.

Now open for Registration

  • Organized by the University of Bern
  • Online 16-20 August 2021
  • For 3rd year Bachelor and 1st year Master students in Life Sciences
  •   Cost: 75CHF =~$110.00 CAD

Overview including academics participating

General information

Comments from 2019 participants

MSc Opportunity in Animal Welfare at Dalhousie University

We are recruiting an MSc student for a project on long-term effects of the early environment for mink kit performance, stress responsiveness and welfare at the Agricultural Campus of Dalhousie University in Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada. The project will involve investigating different enrichment strategies and the role of maternal care. Ideal candidates will have a BSc in animal science, zoology or related fields, some experience in behavioural observations, and be independent and motivated.

The project is funded via a Mitacs Accelerate fellowship, with the support of the Canada Mink Breeders Association:

Start date: Spring 2021

Stipend: $21,000/year for 2 years

To apply: send a CV, unofficial transcript, contact information for 2 references, and a sample of scientific writing to by Feb 1, 2021. Applications will be assessed as they come in.

Hello APBI Students!

Welcome to the new APBI Program Blog!  This Blog is still under construction but we intend to use this platform as a way of sharing information and archiving relevant emails that we may send to students throughout the year.  This is an informal place for us to share information with you, current APBI Students!  If there are things that you would like to see on the blog, please email us at

Stay tuned for information on some upcoming events!

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