Imagine UBC Day – Tuesday, September 3rd

On Tuesday, September 3rd, we celebrate Back to School with a full day of Orientations activities. All undergraduate courses are replaced by Imagine UBC programs, with the exception of those classes that begin at, or after 5:00pm and meet only once per week.

  • First year students: You should have received an email from Professor Toope and Caroline Wong with your personalized schedule and your MUG group. If you did not receive this email, or if you do not know which MUG group you belong to, please email:
  • New to UBC transfer students: You should also have received a welcome email from Professor Toope and Caroline Wong with a link to the schedule for Transfer students. If you did not receive it, please click here for the direct link.
  • Returning LFS students: You are all welcome to attend Imagine Day events, such as the BBQ hosted by your LFS|US and the “Choose Your Major” workshop. Full schedule can be found on the Orientations blog.

Have we missed anyone? The general website for Orientations 2013 is:

…and finally, remember that our Faculty colour is: BLACK!

See you all soon.

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