Guest Lecturer: James Calissi, Intellectual Property for Tree Fruit Crops – Mar 3, 2016

James Calissi will be giving a guest lecture on Thursday March 3rd, 10:30 am in MCML256. Everyone is welcomed!

James Calissi has commercialized intellectual property for tree fruit crops for the past 15 years. During that period he has managed over 15 patents in 25 countries, and has travelled to most of those counties to meet with clients and establish commercialization plans. He is well versed in patents and trademarks and how to use them to ensure a new tree fruit variety has the greatest success in the market place. As an example, James commercialized the Ambrosia apple cultivar, taking the variety from being a cottage industry apple in British Columbia to a variety that is produced worldwide, with sales in the tens of millions. Currently James operates his own private company, commercializing new tree fruit varieties from Canadian and European breeders.

James holds a B.Sc. in Horticulture and a M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics from UBC and is a Professional Agrologist.

This talk will be given as part of an MFRE course, FRE 503: Policy Analysis for Food, Environment and Resources.

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