LFS Career Week – Feb 6-10, 2017

Tell your friends CAREER WEEK 2017 is here February 6 – 10! LFS is grounded by science, but global in scope! Learn how you can make the most of your degree. We have EIGHT fantastic events made just for YOU! Don’t miss out on our pancake breakfast, grad panel, LinkedIn headshots, LFS Career Fair and more!

Check out our Facebook event for ALL the details: https://www.facebook.com/events/1413428778676249/


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UBC Mental Health Symposium – Feb 11, 2017

The MHS is an annual event organized by students, for students. Through conversations, informative workshops, and inspiring speeches, the MHS 2017 aims to build a supportive community that is equipped to challenge stigma and inspired to promote mental health and wellness at UBC. We hope we can accommodate students who are interested in learning about all aspects about mental health. We have a limited number of seats, and workshops will be filled on first come first serve basis! Free breakfast and lunch will be provided.

What: UBC Mental Health Symposium 2017

Where: The Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability (CIRS) BC Hydro Theatre

When: February 11th, 10 am to 5 pm

How: Please encourage those to sign up by registering at https://survey.ubc.ca/s/mentalhealthsymposium/ by February 6th

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Volunteer with LFS|US Wednesday Night Dinners

Looking for more volunteer opportunities within LFS? Want a free meal?

Come volunteer with LFS|US Wednesday Night Dinners every Wednesday, meet some great people, cook some delicious food and get more involved within our faculty!

LFS|US WND is a student organized community dinner that serves a full course meal consisting of an: Appetizer, Main, and Dessert. The cost is only 5 dollars but if you volunteer for two hours, you get a meal for free! What’s there to lose?

Sign up here and feel free to email: lfsus.volunteer@landfood.ubc.ca if you have any questions!

Check out more about LFS|US here.

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MFRE Food & Agribusiness Speaker Series: Lauren Archibald – Feb 3, 2017

MFRE Food & Agribusiness Speaker Series

Lauren Archibald, Marketing and Sales Development at Ethical Bean Coffee

Date: Friday, February 3
Time: 3:30-5PM
Location: MCML160

to find our more information please visit: http://mfre.landfood.ubc.ca/mfre-speaker-series/speakers-series/

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Fesia Consortium: Sustainable Food System & Agroecology Programs applications – deadline Feb 2, 2017

FESIA Consortium – From the farm to the table: a Sustainable Food System

Program Dates

May 26 – June 26, 2017

Application deadline: February 2, 2017

ESA Groupe within the FESIA consortium offers a unique four-week program through which students can learn about the French food system from a sustainable development perspective.  The purpose of the program is to demonstrate the links between food culture, agriculture and the food industry.  The program will also introduce students to the French way of life and to France’s role in the European Union.

Further details can be found:


After the program, ESA hosts a Farm Practice program in the Loire Region, France where students are matched with a farmer family and intern for 4 weeks to 8 weeks in July – August. More information about the program, credits, and costs can be found in the FESIA website. If you wish to apply for this internship opportunity, please contact Go Global.


FESIA Consortium – ISARA-Lyon Agroecology International Summer School

Application deadline: February 2, 2017

ISARA-Lyon within the FESIA consortium offers a comprehensive program of French language, culture lessons and scientific courses in Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture in English, excursions, visits and hands-on learning opportunities.

Program Dates

June 8 – July 12, 2017

Further details can be found: \http://www.isara.fr/en/Study-at-Isara-Lyon/Summer-School

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Imagine Day Orientation Leader application – deadline Jan 29, 2017

Apply to be an Imagine Day Orientation Leader! This is great way to get involved with LFS and you gain many transferable skills while bonding with other LFSers. We are looking for a diverse group of Orientation Leaders who can bring their different backgrounds, ideas and experiences to the role.

To apply please visit: https://students.ubc.ca/campus-life/involved/orientation-leaders/imagine/lfs

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LFS International Studies: LFS 302B application – deadline Jan 31, 2017

Monitoring and Evaluation for Timely Responses – LFS International Field Studies

Indonesia – COURSE: LFS 302B ( 6 credits)   

May 6 – June 2, 2017

Application deadline:  January 31st, 2017


The undergraduate food and resource economics summer field course (6 credits) in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia consists of instruction, planning and implementation of a performance assessment or monitoring and evaluation (M&E) methodology. The scientific methodology, Monitoring & Evaluation for Timely Responses (METR), uses experiential learning to provide students with an effect tool for independent ex-post development project evaluation used by civil society /NGO, private companies and public sector professionals.

After a week of instruction, two weeks are spent evaluating an actual development project in Indonesia by a team of students led by the instructor. Principles of international resource economics (including analysis of market and policy failures), institutional development (effective harnessing of a broad portfolio of assets – financial, natural, human, knowledge and social), good governance and incremental development are applied. METR measures the right things in the right way at the right time aimed at encouraging positive timely changes in behavior among development project stakeholders, namely, project implementers, project beneficiaries, project designers, and policy makers to bring about reforms that provide better enabling conditions for lasting equitable growth and development.


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SEEDS Sustainability Program Project Recruitment

Recruitment Advertisement:

The UBC SEEDS Sustainability Program, in collaboration with representatives in the UBC Sustainability Initiative, is looking for student(s) to utilize photovoice to tell UBC students’ stories and experiences with sustainability on campus.

Specifically, we are looking for a student or student team with

  • 3rd or 4th undergraduate or graduate student standing
  • Eligibility to participate in a directed study or thesis project to complete this research
  • A strong passion for sustainability and community at UBC
  • Ability to commence the project as soon as possible

SEEDS Project: Communicating Sustainability through Photovoice

Project Main Purpose:

To utilize photovoice to tell UBC students’ stories and experiences with sustainability on campus.

Project  Background/ Context:

The UBC Sustainability Initiative fosters partnerships and collaborations that extend beyond traditional boundaries of disciplines, sectors andgeographies to address the critical issues of our time. UBC strives to be one of the most sustainable universities in the world, informing the sustainable transformation of cities, while leveraging the campus as a living lab to explore and demonstrate various forms of community engagement that can support these efforts. This project will aim to explore photovoice as an alternative method of engaging with students to create a shared understanding of sustainability. It will add to both the content and programming mix that supports our efforts to animate sustainability at the Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability and across campus. The project will also act as a pilot to showcase student art at CIRS while bridging the gap between arts and the environment.

Contribution to Sustainability at UBC:

This project is aligned with UBC’s 20 Year Sustainability Strategy, and particularly supports the goal of bringing innovative engagement programs to campus to strengthen linkages across campus and to generate a sense of place, while supporting the creating of a vibrant, animated, and sustainable livework-learn community.

Outline of Project Details:

The project includes several key components as follows:

  1. Conduct a literature review on photovoice as a method of storytelling including case studies on how photovoice has been used to tell stories ofsustainability elsewhere.
  2. Develop a research proposal for applying photovoice at UBC (including research question, recruitment strategy, and final exhibit of findings)
  3. Conduct the study as per the research proposal.
  4. Prepare an exhibit of the findings, with support from the Deliverables: Report, Presentation

Anticipated Outcomes:

The anticipated outcomes include a series of photos compiled to express students’ experiences and stories of sustainability on campus to be displayed at an exhibit in the Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability.

Anticipated Initiation and Completion Date:

  • Immediately or Summer 2017


If you are interested working on this project independently or collectively as a directed studies, professional project, thesis, independent project or other type – please apply here


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Agora Cafe is looking for Prep Shift Leaders – deadline Jan 30, 2017

Agora Cafe is looking for Prep Shift Leaders. It is a volunteer position which involves leading a team of volunteers to safely and efficiently prepare a bulk recipe for the cafe. It is great experience for anyone looking to get into the Food Service Industry!

Food Safe 1 within the last five years
Cooking experience/experience with Agora is helpful but not necessary

Commitment is 2-3 hours a week until early/mid-April

Please e-mail agora.prep@gmail.com by Monday, January 30th to arrange a time to meet.

To find out more information please click here.

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IFTSA Pacific Northwest Area Meeting and College Bowl Volunteer Callout – deadline Mar 3, 2017

Are you interested in food science? Or want to network with food science students from across the Pacific Northwest? The IFTSA Pacific Northwest Area Meeting and College Bowl is being held at UBC on March 10 and 11, 2017, and we need volunteers so that the event runs smoothly. You will be setting up and taking down speakers, guiding around the visiting students, and serving food to all the attendees. If you’re interested or want more info, check out the signup link, or email: praveena.thirunathan@gmail.com

To sign up as a volunteer, click here.

Please sign up by March 3, 2017

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