Shovelling Snow

Yesterday I came home to find one of my neighbours’ sidewalk shovelled beautifully clean of snow. Determined not to be outbeat, I tried my hand at shovelling for the first time.

While my technique probably leaves something to be desired (having never seen anyone shovel snow before, I’m just making this up as I go along), I still managed to clear a path from the door to the garden stairs. A friend slipped on the stairs recently; I cleared that up as well, worked on clearing some parking space in front of our house, and chipped away a square metre of ice from the pavement before it started to get dark and I got tired.

I was planning on working on the rest of the pavement today, but thank goodness it’s raining and I don’t want to get soaked (my excuse) — my body is aching all over from shovelling for over an hour yesterday while running on two hours’ of sleep. I slept like a babe last night and could’ve slept for way, way more than nine hours if I didn’t have a morning meeting to consider…

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