Things I Love Thursday

Bird whispering to bee. Bee cries, 'We do WHAT?!'

this always makes me laugh

getting The 52nd State of Amnesia in the mail after months of wanting • a whole weekend of being waited upon hand and foot by my awesome friends (thanks, D&D!) • watching BBC productions of classic literature • reading The Hunger Games • 10% coupons off at The Book Depository • sour cream and onion Pringles • convenience foods when you can’t cook regularly • doctors who take time to explain things to you • heartbreaking songs like A Fine Frenzy’s ‘Almost Lover’ • sleep, sleep, sleep

I write these TILT posts to cheer myself up — what are some ways you make yourself smile?

No one can say I’m unproductive

While propped up in UBC’s Urgent Care Centre with an oxygen a nebulizer(?) mask on my face (I should point out the only reason I was there was because Student Health Services was full today and they directed me to UCC), I twiddled my thumbs and applied for graduation online. Hurray for portable devices and free Wi-Fi!

Now here’s to hoping that nothing goes wrong and I won’t have to retract that public announcement. Nothing should go wrong, but I’m paranoid like that.

On another note, being ill does put things in perspective. I used to want to graduate with flying colours and stressed myself out with that particular ambition. Now, just being alive and well during graduation is looking quite the accomplishment!

Things I Love Thursday

Things I Love Thursday should really be People I Love Thursday this week. I’m still sick as a dog, but am improving enough to want to say a huge thank you to all the people who have and continue to prop me up through this evil bug.

I’ve been given food and medicine deliveries, including homemade, hand-strained chicken broth, cheesecake from Seattle, and chocolate for when I’m better. I’ve had my kitchen and washroom cleaned for me, received birthday balloons — several weeks early, I might add — and had friends pick up my U-Pass and return a library book for me when I just couldn’t move more than ten steps at a time. Best of all is having someone or another checking up on me everyday to see how I’m doing.

If I could go back to the girl I was five years ago (or even three), I’d tell her to stop panicking and promise that life in Canada is going to be just fine. More than that, even.

On another note, being sick does this strange thing to me where all I want to do is speak Chinese. For several days I only wanted to listen to Mandarin radio stations and watch Chinese TV. I rewatched 《老房有喜》which came out in my pre-teens. Oh, badly written TV, how I adore thee.

on a happier note

sighted the first cherry blossoms budding on Iona Drive and crocuses pushing their way past black earth

this might be old news to everyone who’s been out and about for the past week, but I took it as the world’s glad greeting and a promise that it really is going to be spring soon

no flu can keep me down with that hope to hold onto!

especially not now that I’m on new medication that may or may not be contributing to my good mood, hehe

Long-distance mother-daughter bonding

Although my mother and I are separated by a gigantic ocean by the name of the Pacific, we like to maintain a close, loving relationship. Our latest mother-daughter bonding has been through the sharing of our bodily mishaps:

Mother: Had an accident last week and gashed her head. Reports say bone was visible. Received stitches. Out and about after a day, buying groceries.

Daughter: Developed flu complications and went to VGH one night. Received IV in arm and underwent a few tests. Discharged after intaking a few bags of fluid. Still largely incapacitated at home.

Obviously, mother wins for both attention-grabbing reason for entering hospital and for speedy recovery.

P.S. If you live on campus and have anything happen to you past 10 pm, go straight to Vancouver General Hospital. UBC’s Urgent Care Centre closes at 10 pm. (Lesson learned the hard way.)

P.P.S. 请妈妈保重身体,女儿想你。