stress eating, nap taking, and rude awakenings.

*glances at post time*

you might be wondering what the heck is becky doing up at this late hour-not that she, being a full-fledged university student for all of three months now, was the type to be able to go to bed at 9pm-but 3am is quite late considering she’s been losing sleep over assignments and projects this past week.

well, let me tell ya: if you’re going to be living in a dorm building complex, you better be prepared for thrEE AM FIRE ALARMS.

i guess it’s a trade-off in being able to coexist and share spaces with thousands of other sort-of-adult teenagers from all over the world. i mean, i love meeting people in elevators and greeting people in the commonsblock and puzzling over the laundry system together in the basement. it’s practically free-friend-scoring (cough roommates) when you’re quite shy like me.

however, i definitely wasn’t prepared for the fire alarms. considering we already had quite a few this term, you’d think i’d be a little smarter about these unpredictable rude awakenings.

list of things to prepare for in case of unexpected and unwelcome emergency evacuations:

  • key card. always place by door to avoid walk of shame to front desk.
  • wallet, money, identity information, etc in a safe, easy-to-grab spot
  • seriously, have more than one at hand bc the wind here is monstrous
  • socks by the door
  • extra pair of sweatpants or just warm pants within reach from the bed
  • yes, clothing is just as important as your wallet
  • glasses. don’t forget this one.

it’s definitely way past my bedtime, despite it being a friday night-no, haha, wait, it’s saturday now, hahahaha /fades into hysterical laughter

please, kids. don’t take fire alarms as jokes, or pranks, because
a) it’s not funny
b) firefighters could have gone to places with actual fires to save actual people instead of sleepy, freezing college students huddled outside a dorm
c) climbing up fourteen flights of stairs when you’re half asleep is. not. fun.
d) people are tryING TO SLEEP

alright, my angry rant is over, and my eyes are just about to close. hopefully i can survive these last few weeks until exams. i see how despite being in a completely new environment, with completely new people around me, and completely new habits and way of thinking, one thing will never change.

how much i love, love, love sleep.

accurate depiction of college students during november.
accurate depiction of college students during november.

g’night everybody, and practice safe microwave usage!

knock three times!

it’s official. i’m officially moved in and ready to start the next chapter of my life.

(well… as ready as i’ll ever be, i guess. which sure doesn’t feel anywhere near ready, but hey, that’s growing up for ya.)

if you’re like me, who likes to get all excited about change but then get all anxious and just ignore it all until the last second (or, you know, you’re just lazy), you probably finished packing everything the night before. that’s what i was doing, friday night, digging through boxes and figuring out what’s necessary to bring and what i should leave behind. it felt like i was dropping things left and right, forgetting things here and there, and there’s never enough room for my things!

one moment: this is too much.
the next: what if this isn’t enough?

packing was never one of my favourite things.

there’s the essentials, you know:
-instant ramen
-bedsheets, bed linens, pillows, sleep stuff
-laptop, charger for laptop, case for laptop, etc etc
-contact lenses/glasses, duh
-school supplies (i’m actually here for classes and education, lmao)

but then there’s the things you’re going to make room for no matter what:
-your favourite stuffie (don’t even try to deny this one)
-pens, gel pens, fountain pens, pens pens pens
-your favourite snack
-a book or two from your own shelf
-your favourite hoodie that’s probably a little too worn for wear

okay, so that was my personal list but you get my point. it doesn’t matter if you’re moving across the pacific ocean, or half way across the continent, or just two hours away by transit.

you’re moving out.
away from home. 

it’s a pretty big step, especially if you’re a babby birb that’s leaving the nest for the first time. you’re going to want all the comfort you can get, knowing that inevitable moment after all the hugs and “i’m going to be fine, don’t worry”s and “take care of yourself, make sure to call”s and when the door finally shuts and you’re left all by yourself, turning around to a half-unpacked (courtesy of your mother, or someone like it) dorm room, and realizing with a soft breath that hey, this is where you’re going to be for the next few months.

there’s no one to nag you to do the dishes or do your homework, you’re all on your own now. for the first few weeks your phone will blink and vibrate with how are yous and have you eaten yets and if it’s too much, come home anytime, alright? and then it’ll get quiet for a while. that’s okay.

because you know what? this is a big step. but it’s a big step forwards.

so here’s to the near future, and the distant future. i’m officially moved into my dorm for the first time, i’m unpacked, i’m getting to know my awesome roommates, and i’m ready to start the next chapter of my life.

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