happy half-way through the school year!

i woke up this morning and there was snow on the ground, people dragging suitcases, students hefting shopping bags and grocery bags, and all the cutest beanies and scarves all around. where did the time go?

but it’s a new year. a new me. supposedly.
well, since it’s the first day back in class, let this “new me” give y’all a little advice.

and that is:


i say this from the bottom of my heart, from one irresponsible teenager masquerading as a young adult to another.

to be perfectly honest, i was very lucky last term. i had 0 final exams! (which i made sure to keep quiet about, because hey, i’m the only arts student in my suite so it’s 5 against 1 if exam stress wins over reason.) of course, i made up for that with final papers and projects and essays… which were not fun at all. but still, i got to go home a week earlier than most people (and bless those with exams up to the 22nd of december. you go, friends. you go.), which i wouldn’t trade for the world.

those few weeks of sleeping in, staying inside next to the fireplace, binge-watching/catching up on tv shows, playing animal crossing, eating actual! homemade! mama-blessed! food!—

what a good few weeks of mind-numbing bliss it was.

until, of course, it all came crashing down right after the annual Day of Hangovers, january 2nd (please drink responsibly and legally, kids). as i packed my clothes preparing to return to the dorm, i remembered the paper i had due on the first day back to class. which i hadn’t started. at all.

which was why, on the last night of the freedom that is winter break, becky was pulling an all-nighter trying hard to finish her six-page essay and trying even harder not to give into the temptation of midnight snacking.

me at 5 am
me at 5 am 

anyway, it’s a new year! full of new classes! new classmates! new possibilities! new friends! new… shows to watch?

there are many events happening around campus, now that everyone is slowly trickling back in from all over the world. that’s one of the best things about ubc, i think, is that we are literally made up of so many stories from so many places. it’s a wonderful world, truly.
so! this term, becky has revived from her hibernation mode. what will the new year bring her, hm? we’ll just have to wait and see.

in the meantime, happy new year, everyone! i hope this year treats you just as well, if not better, than the last. may you and your loved ones stay healthy, your social life flourish, your grades stay a-okay, and your smile grow.


it’s already october??

it seems like just yesterday i was scouring the tiny printing on the campus map and unpacking my boxes, but here i am now, with midterms around the corner and assignments i spent way too long procrastinating on.

it seems like we’re all finally settling in and getting used to the rhythm of things. we’re getting to classes on time, making friends, meeting up with study groups, even managing to figure out how the use payforprint. but this is just the calm before the storm.

since i’ve had a scarily close encounter with running out of time and procrastinating on the weekends, i made a TO-DO LIST for the first-midterm panic that’s setting in (along with the infamous raincouver clouds):

  1. take notes in class. actual notes, not just absentminded doodles.
  2. ask questions. don’t be afraid, and it’s much better to ask ahead of time instead of freaking out at 1 am the night before the test.
  3. set two alarms.
  4. go to sleep earlier! even if it means sacrificing your tv-show marathoning time.
  5. find healthy snacks to keep you company while you’re hacking away at the books.
  6. gather a study group!
  7. take a break from your essay and studying every hour or so. trust me, you’ll need that breath of fresh air to joggle your noggin.
  8. don’t overstudy. review as much as you can before the test, but trust yourself to know what you need to know.

now, will becky survive this week of everything-is-due? will she make it back to class after the long weekend? will she manage to understand the IPA chart in time for her midterm??

find out next week… and good luck to y’all on your midterms!

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