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An article I read said that Coca-cola received a remarkable sale success in the US over the past ten years time. The strategy of  print people’s name and advocated as “share a drink” seems so customer-central and effective in such a we media world. How can I remark? It is one of the smartest marketing strategy in the 21st century.

Apparently, it is a significant handicap to overwhelmingly defeat its rivals in the taste campaign for Coca-cola and any other soft-drink producers. Nevertheless, how to make our brand outstanding among thousands? Coke’s answer is to make its customers and its latent customers happier and make its rivals’ customers jealous. A specified container design simply dragged coke to a higher level to its competitors.  What’s our feel when we grab a soft drink with our name on it?

Meanwhile, Coke has to think about how to turn their previous market occupation into a long-lasting predominance. Since a bottle design is not something that inimitable, Coca-cola has to be even more brilliant to achieve its true prosperous.


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Make a general survey of the situation of those corporate executives worldwide, we can find that it is not that simplified their work is as we imagined. May not due to technological problems they have to deal with in their original daily work, but the position they are in.


Frankly speaking, it is the obligation of those high- paid as well as highly respected managers to maximum the profit for his or her employers and stakeholders and even crew members. Nevertheless, as another view from a humanity and ethics aspects, those corporate executives are always projected to take as much social responsibilities as possible. Meanwhile, there are always conflicts between the enterprises benefit and their controllers social blame, where I mention such a place as a remarkable dilemma for those so much emphasized managers.


The problem cannot be completely evaded since a dignity status is always accompanied with comparative trouble and vice versa. What can be considered is to chase a more enormous amount of profits under the condition of being social responsible.



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