Phases of Matter Simon Says

Hello Crew,

This resource is intended to help you if you ever need to teach Chem 11 (kinetic molecular theory), and would like a quick and dirty way to assess for learning/retention/opening a class.
For the Cross Genre translation assignment, I took a children’s game designed to teach/reinforce knowledge on the human anatomy and associated verbs. ie: (v)_____ your (part)_____ “Shake your fists”

I rewrote this format (children’s game), requiring students to know the characteristics and molecular behavior of the three states of matter. ie. “Be a liquid” means to move freely, but bound by the container it is in.

  • Review the three common phases, what kind of behavior is exhibited on the molecular level?
  • Review the rules of Simon Says
  • Apply the rules of Simon Says to the game
    • Solid: Shake in place, feet don’t move
    • Liquid: Arms are free to move, feet can shuffle
    • Gas: Free movement, jumping is allowed
    • Triple Point (Critical Point): Move/do everything!
  • Conclude with review, play another round if possible

This activity is fun because most students already know how to play Simon Says, and can quickly apply their knowledge in a semi-competitive capacity.

Here are some resources on the topic:

Note* Triple point is technically the term for when a phase can be either of the three, but “Critical Point” sounded more fun.

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