Not getting upset at some of the rhetoric being spouted by many of the republican candidates can sometimes prove to be difficult. Last week, Mitt Romney won the Florida GOP primary, yet despite not being Romney’s #1 fan, I did not have a real problem with this win until after hearing his commentary, post-victory. During his speech, one sentence in particular disturbed me: “While we celebrate this victory, we must not forget what this election is really about: defeating Barack Obama.”

I know that at the heart of it, the reason the GOP candidates are running is to replace the current Democrat in office. However, for Mitt Romney to verbalize this so crassly really made me think: what is going on here?

After hearing Romney’s speech, which focused heavily on beating Barack Obama in the 2012 elections, I really got to thinking about this question. Although I know that the Republicans will do everything they can do make sure they take over office in the fall, I can’t help but wonder when it became acceptable for candidates to voice their primary concern as beating the opposition party, not to improve the often grave circumstances in their country. With so many economic and social problems plaguing a vast amount of American citizens, I wonder how it can possibly be acceptable for a candidate to essentially disregard the real issue at hand and to claim that what the election is really about is the defeat of Barack Obama.

I know that Mitt Romney and the other GOP candidates have platforms which include a variety of social and economic issues, however to hear him say that this was what the election was really about rubbed me the wrong way, to say the very least. No need, to worry about getting the economy moving or improving people’s lives or anything like that, Romney. Let’s focus on the real issue here: Barack Obama…. (?)

Am I the only one who was extremely disturbed by this comment?

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That’s not the only notable quote from Romney. “Earlier this week, Mr. Romney told a startled CNN interviewer, “I’m not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there.” The Krugman piece goes on to explain how Romney really meant just the first sentence. This reminds me of the “$10,000 bet” comment by Romney from weeks ago.

Oh yes. That quote. Also a great one. I didn’t even want to get started on that statement because I was appalled to say the very least. But yes, I think it just goes to show how out of touch politicians can be. I will definitely check out that article, thanks!

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