I am not sure how I feel that Santorum has dropped out of the race for President. On one hand, of course, I am glad because there was such a severe divide between his political philosophy and my own. On the other hand, however, part of me was hoping he would be the Republican candidate because I felt Obama would have a much easier time beating him than the rest of the Republican alternatives. This notion provided me with some comfort. But now I am not sure exactly who to root for. I saw this hilarious photo and I had to share (A lot of the reasons I had problems with Santorum stemmed from his anti-LGBT mentality and also from his puritanical views on contraception):

At the end of the day (and I find it extremely hard to do this) I need to remember that politicians, no matter how much I disagree with their opinions, are people. And I shouldn’t hate people. Even people like Rick Santorum. It is, ultimately, his philosophy and political/social views that I hate. So on that note, I wish him and his family the best. And I hope his little girl gets better.


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