Monthly Archives: February 2014

Literacy week and reading week update

This week is literacy week at the school I work at and reading week at the school I attend. This means that since I have a bit of a break I’ve been able to work a little more this week. I love the parallel of the university students catching up before midterms and the local school children getting excited about reading.

A few special events were planned. Yesterday evening the lovely librarian at our school hosted a family event at Chapters and I stopped by for a little bit. I thought it was a really nice event, there were cookies and some prizes for the students and the atmosphere was very welcoming. Many staff members, the vice principal and principal were there too. I thought that was great because it created a comfortable and informal opportunity for parents to chat with them. It created another opportunity for parents to be involved in school life since I know not all parents are available during the drop off/pick up times because of work schedules and the general business of modern family life.

Today we had a special dress up day at school and all the children came dressed as a character from a book. Some popular characters were Pinkalicious, Transformers, and super heroes. One of my personal favourite costumes was a kinder student dressed convincingly as Arthur. I decided to dress up as the fish from “One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish” by Dr. Suess. I made a necklace with each of the fish that I wore with a blue shirt. I made my costume by drawing each of the fish and then colouring them in, then I cut them out and glued them to some card stock, hole punched them and strung them on a piece of ribbon to wear.

I’ve been working a lot in Kindergarten lately so my Dr. Seuss outfit was definitely appreciated by many enthusiastic early readers.