Category Archives: Primary

“You Can Do Anything!” – Reggio Inspired Story Workshop

Story Workshop

“Are you going to write your story now?”

I had the opportunity to observe “Story Time Workshop” in kindergarten and grade 1. Story Time Workshop is a reggio inspired literacy approach. Something that is really influential to me is the poem “The Hundred Languages of Children” by Loris Malaguzzi. I believe that if you are listening to their voices close enough you can hear all one hundred of children’s languages (and maybe 100 more!). The story time workshop is about encouraging children to tell their own story in a way that honours their language of play.

The basic methodology to my understanding:

The children play with an assortment of materials, they have choice as to which materials they would like to use and all materials are set up in a way that is aesthetically beautiful and inviting. Some materials available today:

  • paint in analogous colours
  • wooden blocks interspersed with branches
  • thematic loose parts and materials for valentines day
  • clay and dough with accompanying tools
  • sheets and lights for shadow projections and sand with loose parts

The children use their materials to represent their stories through play. They discuss with each other and they create. Once they feel that they are ready or “done” they are encouraged to write their story. They grab their clipboard and start recording their stories. After this, they may return to the materials to to further represent their stories. Throughout this process the teacher is documenting through a variety of mediums (like video or photograph). The act of documentation in itself shows students the teacher is listening.

The students in this class are really engaged in the workshop. They love to write their stories… I think because they are given ample time to play and represent their thinking. I had similar results with successful writing when I waited until towards the end of my pumpkin investigation to do a writing activity.

Even the youngest K’s in the group understand the story workshop. I was playing with some loose parts with some of the children. I must have slowed down because a little one looked at me and said “Are you going to write your story now?”. With that prompt… I got right to work! She understood the framework and held me to that same standard for creative play and story writing.

Overall it was a wonderful experience. The atmosphere of the room is different from a traditional classroom. I was particularly intrigued by something one little girl said to me. I had sat down, grabbed some beads and said “I wonder if I can make a pattern?”. The girl said to me with conviction “You can do anything!”.

Wether she meant that she had full faith in my abilities or she meant that I had choice in what I wanted to do… I’m still not sure. However one message is clear, the environment in a reggio inspired program views students as powerful and rich, they can do anything.

“My Pumpkin Book”- Literacy activity

I decided to make little books with the students. I thought it would bring them a lot of joy to be authors and illustrators. This activity included science, literacy, fine motor skills and directed drawing. These books were made over the course of two blocks of time on Thursday (before and after music). I was at first planning on doing this activity over the course of several days but the students were so engaged my SA encouraged me to keep going while I had their attention!

I think the reason why this type of activity was so engaging for the students is because of all the hands on activities we have done with pumpkins up to this point. Doing this type of activity at the beginning of the project probably would have been a flop, at this point however the students have tons of knowledge about pumpkins that they wanted to represent and share with others. The book is simple, a cover and three pages. “Outside my pumpkin. Inside my pumpkin. My pumpkin on Halloween.”

I was really happy with the outcome of these little books. The highlights for me were the students “reading” the predictable text to me when they were done. The students were really proud of their work. Many students indicated they wanted to show their families and put the books in their journals. Also nice, was that my SA really liked them. I felt like she was really proud of me and that was a good feeling. She’s so supportive, I’m really lucky to have her.

Now my students are scientists, authors and illustrators- we are on a roll!


Literacy week and reading week update

This week is literacy week at the school I work at and reading week at the school I attend. This means that since I have a bit of a break I’ve been able to work a little more this week. I love the parallel of the university students catching up before midterms and the local school children getting excited about reading.

A few special events were planned. Yesterday evening the lovely librarian at our school hosted a family event at Chapters and I stopped by for a little bit. I thought it was a really nice event, there were cookies and some prizes for the students and the atmosphere was very welcoming. Many staff members, the vice principal and principal were there too. I thought that was great because it created a comfortable and informal opportunity for parents to chat with them. It created another opportunity for parents to be involved in school life since I know not all parents are available during the drop off/pick up times because of work schedules and the general business of modern family life.

Today we had a special dress up day at school and all the children came dressed as a character from a book. Some popular characters were Pinkalicious, Transformers, and super heroes. One of my personal favourite costumes was a kinder student dressed convincingly as Arthur. I decided to dress up as the fish from “One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish” by Dr. Suess. I made a necklace with each of the fish that I wore with a blue shirt. I made my costume by drawing each of the fish and then colouring them in, then I cut them out and glued them to some card stock, hole punched them and strung them on a piece of ribbon to wear.

I’ve been working a lot in Kindergarten lately so my Dr. Seuss outfit was definitely appreciated by many enthusiastic early readers.