Spring Cleaning and Organizing Project Based Learning

Something I have found challenging so far during this practicum is the organization of the physical space of the classroom. The class is a unique challenge because almost all the learning every day is project based. At any given time we may have 2-3 projects happening simultaneously.

Keeping the space clean and organized is a big priority for me this term.

Here are some simple strategies I’ve put into place to get organized

  • File folder- I have a file folder with one section for every student in the class where I keep completed work, documentation and evidence of learning that I intend to use for assessment
  • New attendance system – picture based and student directed. When you come in during the morning, put your face in the basket to let me know you are here! The students love it, they find it hilarious.
  • Visuals on the board to indicate progress. I have devised a simple system using magnets of the student’s names and tape. The students indicate where in a project they are so I know when I can move on to teaching the next thing.

This upcoming week I will be taking my spring cleaning craze to the next level. I’ve been driving around my car today to look for good condition items on the curb that can help organize the class.

  • One desk group has been having some conflicts over loose papers piling up and making a mess. After meeting with the group our simple agreed upon solution is to have a basket at the desk for the four students to put their recycling in. I found a suitable basket this weekend at the thrift store. We’ve planned to meet again at the end of this week so I’ll see how it works.
  • I have picked a basket for planners from some of the things one of my neighbours put out. Starting this week students will leave their planners in a basket by the bleachers in order to expedite writing in our planners at the end of the day to give us more time for working on all our projects and getting them cleaned up!
  • Lemon and vinegar inquiry… All week I have had a jar full of vinegar, water, half a grapefruit peel and half a lemon peel on one of the tables in the classroom. I have set it up as a provocation, something I’ve been learning through my reggio  inquiry. Students have many speculations about it… Some think that there are pears inside. Some students think I am making lemon aid. Many students think it is something I’m going to use for science fair. I will be adding a plastic spray bottle to this provocation to see if I can nudge students thinking towards making our own cleaners for the classroom. If this is a topic students become interested in it will fit perfectly with our study of measurement.







One comment

  1. All of these ideas are wonderful and will help your students to organize and keep their environment tidy. I loved the baskets you picked up from the community cast aways. The idea of a lemon and vinegar inquiry is wonderful!

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