A first step: Bain family history, 1800-1940

After weeks of holiday time and considerable procrastination, I’ve finally had the opportunity to follow a few more of the many rabbit-holes of research available through ancestry.com. I’ve written those down, mixed in some of my thinking / process around colonization, and come up with a ‘something’.

This first piece is a start of what I see as a larger project – a project that races back the many roots of my ancestry, not just through the patrilineal line that gave me the name ‘Bain’ – but through the many branches that lead back through my great-grandmothers to others before me.

This is a very new and fresh first-draft, and open to editing. If you happen to stumble across this page and have some interest, please do send your frank feedback and comments!

Family History – 1800 – 1940 Bains – First draft

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