Currently listening to: “Kiss You Off” – Scissor Sisters
So…I got the job at Indigo! It’s quite funny really; half the week I’m persuading people to take out as many books as they could possibly want to read for free, and the other half of the week I’ll be trying to make people pay for as many books (and other trinkets) as I can possibly sell them. Thank goodness I have no principles whatsoever.
In other news, two days more to the start of school and such; it’s really quite exciting and nerve-wracking all at the same time. I shall look forward with great excitement to the hour-and-a-half-long commute; the mere thought thrills me to no end. You will soon learn that I am supremely easily amused: while donning the Arts students’ requisite purple robes, I will probably be the one kid sitting there, being incredibly entertained by watching people from various faculties walking around in gigantic colour-blocks.
Kellogg’s All Bran Strawberry Medley owns my life right now.
It’s probably one of the most amazing breakfast (and lunch, and dinner) food I’ve eaten in recent years. The strawberry clusters are absolutely to die for, and the chunks of dried strawberry are heavenly. Oh, the cereal bits are pretty good, too. Bottom line: try it, it’s supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and better for you than other addictive substances.
I’ll be back to haunt you some more soon. Till then, tally ho, pip pip, guv’nor!
Tags: breakfast food · Indigo · pre-UBC3 Comments
3 responses so far ↓
Your enthusiasm for All Bran Strawberry Medley mirrors my own – for Almond Crunch Oatmeal Crisp. mmmmm Oatmeal Crisp. No other ones though, just that Almond Crunch.
Congrats on the job!
Congrats for getting the job!
Humaira – I used to be completely addicted to Almond Crunch Oatmeal Crisp! That lasted the better part of Grade 12, but over the summer Strawberry Medley has taken me prisoner :P
Phoebe – Thanks girl! How’s your library-job search going?