Currently listening to: “Oxford Comma” – Vampire Weekend
1. Crepe sale avec Le Club Français in MASS today- yummy!
With a queue stretching all the way past the doors, French music playing, and of course, a great amount of FOOD, t’was a great deal of fun indeed. Ah, the joys of spreading the Francophile love. You know you waaaaaaaant to.
2. The gorgeously bleak day sans rainfall. Waking up to the sight of the angular silhouette of a bare tree juxtaposed against a dusky grey sky gives me a thrill like no other. Sure, sunny days are relatively pleasant and all, but nothing quite compares to a beautifully gray and suitably cold day, accompanied with tea, a beret, and a good read. And yes, before you start your puzzled inquiries, as so many have previously done – yes, I do take the bus, and yes, despite it all, I love the weather. So there.
3. Finding Oliver James’ Affluenza and The Selfish Capitalist at the library today!!
God knows I’ve stood hovering around those books in Indigo during work, stroking the sleek covers and asking myself if it would be prudent to purchase them both. (And sneaking reads of chapters during break time, amongst various other things.) Patience wins out, and the library is made of win!
4. Feeling accomplished! I have actually studied for my French test. The less said about that, the better: elaboration will serve no purpose here aside from illustrating the extent of my procrastinating skills.
5. A text message from a friend whom I have not corresponded with in ages! ♥ Oh, trans-world-Canada-everywhere friendships. (Fully feeling an attack of the warm fuzzies coming on now.) I’m so glad, so, so so unbelievably glad that these marvellous people have all wandered into my life and chosen to stay and be part of it all, madness and larks and whatsits all included. (collective awwww)
6. Vampire Weekend !
Their quirky and upbeat songs never fail to make me smile. Check out their self-titled debut album, or listen to their songs on the new 90210 soundtrack and the Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist soundtrack. Oh, fusion pop-jazz-African-violin!-rock-even vague hints of samba?, the wonders you do!
7. THE HOPE THAT TOMORROW BRINGS. I will blog about this tomorrow (:
Till then, ta!
Tags: books · Indigo · music · people4 Comments
4 responses so far ↓
It took you this long to discover the wonderfulness of VW?? SHAME!
Haha, Laurie, you know me and pop culture. I may be right on top of Broadway’s latest news, but pop culture still evades me.
Happy post, much? :P
I too like the clouds :D Boo sun. Yay rain. lol
Bonjour Mary.
Speaking of spreading the francophile love…
I thought you might like to know about, the social network for francophiles.
You can also follow us on Twitter for daily French culture bites and francophile treats! @francophilia
Merci et à bientôt.
Pamela Poole (LaGoulue)