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Archive for April 4th, 2012

Inspired with a jolt of motivation.

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I know. I know. Marketing isn’t advertising. But, today’s in-class video, Art & Copy was really inspirational. Looking at advertising companies such as Wieden+Kennedy and creatives such as George Lois, really showed the power of advertisement from a much more artistic angle.

In the theme of my obsession for Nike, I decided to look more into Wieden+Kennedy. Their advertisements are truly awesome, inspirational, and just simply cool.

      “Creativity is just connecting things”

      – Steve Jobs

This documentary really tied marketing all together for me and put Comm 296 into perspective. None of the amazing advertisements made by Wieden+Kennedy would be possible without the marketing team of Nike. They created the brand, products, positioning, and target market that Wieden+Kennedy reaches out to. Nike creates an idea or message that they wish to manifest to the world, and Wieden+Kennedy turns that idea or message into a reality.

As mentioned in the video, true advertising is a form of art. It is “The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination” that reaches out to customers and inspires them to believe in not only a product, but a brand and a way of life. Nike does this. They inspire people to get out and Just Do It

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Written by matthewho2

April 4th, 2012 at 11:30 am

Posted in Uncategorized

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