My favorite ad, hands down is the ad for Huggies Jean Diapers.

Normal ads for diapers contain the same story: blue liquid being poured onto a diaper to show how absorbent said diaper is. This commercial and others done by Huggies are effective because they “get at the truth in parenting, which is that sometimes it can be messy and wild and chaotic, but it can also be fun and funny”, said Richie Glickman (JWT creative director). The Huggies Jean Diaper ad contains catchy phrases like “my diaper is full… full of fashion” and “I poo in blue”. While most media outlets approve of this catchy add, some networks (ABC, ABC Family, and Sprout) “objected to [the] screen text at the end of the spot that included the word ‘pooping,’ according to Huggies. …For those networks, the text was changed to, ‘When you gotta go, go in style’ “. Despite the controversy, the ad that is only run for a few months out of the year, is talked about and has received rave reviews.
However, the commercial itself is not the only reason Huggies Jean Diapers are so popular. The company strategically only offers its jean diapers in the hottest summer months (June-July) playing on the fact that it is too hot to equip a child with a diaper and shorts. The jean diapers make it “significantly easier to have your kid run around in just a diaper …. [without feeling] like you’re neglecting the kid” claimed Jen Drexler, co-founder of Just Ask a Woman. This “fashionable”, one of a kind diaper not only allows trend setting moms to have babies with stylish diapers, it also allows Huggies to charge a higher price than competitors. This extra revenue allows Huggies to spend more on R&D and experiment with new products so they can stay #1.
This is another basic marketing concept done right. Product differentiation strategy is a classic example how company can penetrate new segment and/or increase the consumption of existing segment.
BTW, I tried to play the video clip but it says “This video has been removed by the user”. Hope you can have it replaced.
Fixed now, sorry about that. Thanks for the comment!