Past Student Videos

One of the videos from last year that I thought was the best out of the 12 was the video title “The Terror”. My reasoning behind this was because this video included many different aspects that allowed the viewer to better understand what they were talking about, and made the video more engaging, which thus makes it easier for the audience to pay attention. These aspects included the use of audio and video as a way to convey knowledge. They would talk about what happened in Peru in the 80’s and also they would use videos and photos that would go along with what they were saying. They also went into great deal about the subject matter they were talking about, mentioning even that the textbook had left important details out about the relationship between the government and the Senderos. They also talked about different aspects of the conflict and analyzed the relationships between the Senderos, the government, and the peasants and how those relationships changed over time. It was an extremely informative video that was easy to follow along.

The second video that I find to best the best out  of the student videos was “Towards an Uncertain Future”. The reason is because they clearly explained at the beginning of the video the factors lead to an uncertain future in Latin america. They start by explaining a culminating moment of this in Mexico’s history, an 8.1 earth quake in Mexico city, and how the government negligence was the cause of this disaster in part. They continue by talking about the fallout afterwards and how it lead to people turning their back from the government. Overall the video was extremely well done, similarly to the first video it used audio an visual methods of conveying information. Another aspect that made this video well done was the fact that they said the text on the screen, humans learn best by learning something through more than one method. The use of intriguing music in the background also made the video more exciting and easier to follow.

One of the worst videos was “Speaking Truth to Power”. This is because the video only gave information audibly and didn’t use any visuals, texted based or otherwise, to back up the points that they were making about the subject matter at hand. Many people are not audio learners which makes it difficult to follow along and learn the subject they are talking about. Not only that but the audio had poor quality at time making it difficult to even understand what they were trying to say.

One of the videos that I didn’t believe was well done was the video was “Cuadillos Versus and Nation State”. Similarly to the video “Speaking Truth to Power” information was only audible and they read off paper in front of a camera without using any visual aids.


3 Thoughts.

  1. Hi Megan! I completely agree with your comments concerning the best two and worst two videos. I believe that presentation, especially visuals and narration play such an important role in videos and should definitely be put into consideration when making them.

  2. I also agree, specifically with your comments on “Towards an Uncertain Future”. They really did include analysis and they presented the information in a way that was easy to follow and engaging.

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