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Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Griffins Boxing

This amateur boxing club began operating in a local rec center in North Vancouver with one instructor, Dave Brett, who is also the company’s manager and owner. After building support for a few years from member in the community, Griffins expanded to a 6500 square foot location in 2003. Dave Brett took a great risk […]

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In a recent article, Sir Richard Branson, founder and leader of the Virgin Group stated how people are a business’s most important asset. Richard Branson operates many companies in many different genres of business. These include Virgin Mobile to Virgin Airlines and many others in between. After having the many years of experience in the world […]

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If you thought The Beatles were popular, think again (RIP John Lennon and happy 70th birthday). For the last few years the world has been experiencing rapid changes that were unheard of even 10 years ago. The impact of social media is changing the world we live and advancements are being made by the second. […]

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Enbridge oil company plans to build a new pipeline off the US Gulf Coast after it recently had two oil spills, one in Michigan followed by one in Chicago. By doing this they will be able to generate 350,000 barrels of light oil per day, thus increasing the supply of oil and in turn bringing down its equilibrium price. Furthermore, […]

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Walmart along with Walmart Canada is establishing a new commercial campaign to promote a new slogan and at the same time staying consistent with their old values. These new commercials portray how everyday people are using the money they have saved by shopping at Walmart in various “touching” scenarios. The purpose of this new campaign is […]

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The New York based jetBlue Airways has chosen not to merge with Southwest Airlines in an effort to remain independant, hoping to grow more profitable without combining with a bigger company. The CEO of the company stated “growing too fast through an acquisition could jeopardize JetBlue Airways Corp.’s financial stability; and, that grow through merger […]

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In a recent article published on the Business Ethics website, environmentallists and everyday consumers are concerned since they found out that genetically modified (or GM) foods are not properly labelled at their respective place of distribution. This is an issue, because people have a right to know where their food is coming from and how it […]

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