The Agricultural Sciences e-Portfolio Pilot

Our first pilot for the e-Portfolio project has wrapped up… and early results are outlined in the e-Strategy newsletter article How New e-Portfolios Helped UBC Students Develop Career-Savvy Skills.This pilot targeted a 4th year Career Development Internship (AGSC 496) course. The article describes some of the student and faculty experiences. My hats off to the two faculty members who took on this project, Lynne Potter Lord and Cathleen Nichols, and Maureen Kent, the project lead from AGSC, and Karen Belfer, the e-Portfolio Community of Practice Coordinator. DOing something new is never easy…

However, when you read the comments from the students, you see the power of the method.

This project will also be discussed at the NLII Annual meeting next week in San Diego –> if you attending the meeting, check out:

Electronic Portfolios: Systems & Communities
Enhanced Concurrent Session
Monday, January 26, 2004
10:40 a.m. – 11:50 a.m.
California AB Ballroom

Karen Belfer, Course Developer, The University of British Columbia
Maureen Kent, Director, AGSC Learning Centre, The University of British Columbia
Rodney Williams, Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Moderated by Darren Cambridge, Director of Web Projects, American Association for Higher Education

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