Just a plug for our annual e-Strategy Town Hall, scheduled for June 15, 2004.
The Town Hall is an annual event for everyone in the UBC community to come together and discuss the role of technology and e-Strategy at UBC.
This year’s theme is ‘UBC e-Strategy: Enabling People to Excel’, where we’ll explore the ways technology enables learning, research, and community, and the role these initiatives and e-Strategy play in furthering UBC’s strategic goals.
This is event is open to UBC faculty, staff and students.What: Town Hall 2004 ‘UBC’e e-Strategy: Enabling People to Excel’
When: Tuesday, June 15th, 2004
Where: UBC Forest Sciences Centre, 2424 Main Mall, Vancouver, UBC
To Register: Register online at
Read the program at http://www.e-strategy.ubc.ca/townhall/program.html
Information: Visit the Town Hall web site at http://www.e-strategy.ubc.ca/townhall
* Our keynote address is ‘Becoming the Change: Linking e-Strategy to Educational Values’, by Dr. Tom Carey from the University of Waterloo. Find out how the values we want to develop in our students can be reflected in our teaching practices and our technology plans.
* A great line-up of more than 30 presentations on a range of topics in e-Learning, e-Research, e-Community, Connectivity, e-Business and more, including an opening address by UBC President Martha Piper.
* An interactive panel on e-Research, where we’ll examine how technology enables opportunities in research and learning at UBC that we couldn’t do before.
* New this year – browse through the poster presentations, after the seminar sessions, where you’ll have the opportunity to talk one-on-one with presenters about their initiatives.
* Sessions are non-technical and accessible to everyone.
* Opportunities to share information and network with colleagues, over a complimentary lunch and at the wine and cheese reception at the end of the day.
Contact: Email us at e-strategy@ubc.ca.
This event is hosted by the e-Strategy Executive Steering Committee.