UTS: Developing your academic career

This site, from the University of Technology Sydney, Institute for Interactive Media and Learning, is focused on early career faculty. The guidelines for developing an academic portfolio and developing a course portfolio are excellent. I like how they provide good practical advice and some realistic examples. Something for the TAG (Teaching and Academic Growth) and Science e-Portfolio project, I think! Excerpts below…

Link: IML: Developing Your Academic CareerIML: Developing an Academic Porfolio: Guidelines.

What is an academic portfolio?

An Academic Portfolio is an organised record of your academic experiences, achievements and professional development over a period of time. It consists of a collection of documents which illustrate the variety and quality of work that you do, along with your reflections on these documents and on your development over time. A portfolio can be kept in a variety of ways: in a folder with sub-sections, in a series of files in your filing cabinet, or in electronic form with a file of supporting documentation.

IML: Developing a Course Portfolio: Guidelines.

A Course Portfolio records information about a course through the collection of subject outlines, student statistics and achievements, and, more importantly, through reflections on course changes. Developing a Course Portfolio will enable faculty to improve courses through reflective and interative processes.


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