Online Degree/Services Guides at WCET

Further to the DE post on Dec 12, the other resources that I think are quite useful have been out for a while as well, but good to surface:

Regional Accrediting Agency Documents on Electronically Offered Degree and Certificate Programs – click on the “Best Practices for Electronically Delivered Programs” link. This is an excellent set of guidlelines, outlining…

These Best Practices are meant to assist institutions in planning distance education activities and to provide a self-assessment framework for those already involved.

Five components are outlined:
1. Institutional Context and Commitment
2. Curriculum and Instruction
3. Faculty Support
4. Student Support
5. Evaluation and Assessment

The second group of documents relate to the Student Services Side
WCET: Guide to Developing Online Student Services,

Also available as an Acrobat document

In addition the Project website from Beyond the Administrative Core: Creating Web-based Student Services for Online Learners comprises a rich set of resources and guidelines.

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