NIME Paper

I received a copy of Tony Bates’ new book, “Managing Technology in Higher Education” in the mail today… which was a welcome surprise. It reminded me that I needed to post a copy of a paper that he mentions in the book that kele Fleming and I put together for the NIME conference in Japan in 2008.  The paper, Aligning Institutional Culture and Practice:  The University of British Columbia’s e-Learning Framework, was attempt to summarize where we were (at that time) with respect to e-learning strategy, including the historical and institutional context.  One thing we tried to think through was the interplay between the life cycle stage of a technology, available programs and services and the provider of those programs and services. A lot has changed since that date, so its due for an update, but I realized that this was not posted anywhere!

Aligning Institutional Culture and Practice: The University of British Columbia’s e-Learning Framework

Lamberson, M.N. & Fleming, K. (2008). Aligning institutional culture and practice: The University of British Columbia’s e-learning framework. Invited Paper, NIME International Symposium 2008, Tokyo, Japan.

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