Author Archives: Michelle Lamberson

Rock Blog – Giving into a second weblog

Well, I decided it was time to migrate the geology stuff to another weblog…. so that I can put that feed into my course. So I have started “Rock Blog“… Though one of the entries has some crossover… I think … Continue reading

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ePortfolios and blogging

Interesting post on, where he dives into the debate about using blog software for E-Portfolios. David Tosh has written quite about this as well… greg.glidden teases out some good points, and I’m of several minds on this. Weblogs are … Continue reading

Posted in Electronic Portfolios | 2 Comments

USGS Geology in the Parks

Excellent resource for people looking for more information about the geology of specific areas. USGS Geology in the Parks It also has some really good reusable resources (what a concept! — for all the hype about plenty of available LO’s, … Continue reading

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Contentment is a warm foot…

My cat, or shall I say, my husband’s cat — because as this photo shows.. she is a bit possessive… is often easily pleased. Of course, humans are not expected to move in this situation — because, as we know … Continue reading

Posted in Fun Stuff | 1 Comment

Hot Spots – Volcano Article

Nice short article with excellent links: National Geographic Explorer (Student Magazine) – Hot Spots Beautiful photos!

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LMS Systems – Syllabus

Learning Management Systems: Are We There Yet?: Syllabus Interview with Ira Fuchs discussing learning (a.ka course or academic enterprise) management systems and the rationale behind the Sakai project. Just bookmarking this one..

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Forces of nature — reviewed in the CS Monitor

The site reviewed by the Christian Science Monitor in How to make your own natural disaster is of interest to me for my EOSC 311 course. I like the National Geographic Site that they review; the resource is pretty good … Continue reading

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Stromatolites… a less assuming key to life there could not be…

You know, I never knew that the term stromatolite is derived from the Greek for “Stoney Carpet”.. Rocking the Cradle of Life provides a brief explanation of stromatolites, and has an interesting interview with an Oxford Researcher… There are some … Continue reading

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Gallery of Fluid Dymanics

Ran across this site during a search for something completely different… of course.. Gallery of Fluid Mechanics. These are beautiful pictures!

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Atomic Absorption Book

From the PerkinElmer web site, a book on the principles of Atomic Absorption. Link: Concepts, Instrumentation and Techniques in Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry by Richard D. Beaty and Jack D. Kerber — this is a PDF Topics include: Theoretical Concepts and … Continue reading

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