Author Archives: Michelle Lamberson

Student Assessment of Learning Gains

Nice website that was shown by Univ Maine participant Mitchell Bruce in our ILN workshop in Bellingham this week: Student Assessment of Learning Gains — Web Site …free site is designed for instructors of all disciplines who would like feedback … Continue reading

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Oblinger – Next Generation of Educational Engagement

Just bookmarking for now — will comment later.. Looks like a good new article in JIME: The Next Generation of Educational Engagement by Diana Oblinger.

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Learner success

I’ve been looking for some resources in the subject area of Learner Success — namely to assist with one of our e-portfolio projects. I ran across this resource from the Nova Scotia Department of Education, Adult Education Section Nova Scotia … Continue reading

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Bloom’s Taxonomy Handout

Learning Skills Program – Bloom’s Taxonomy – Good handout from UVic on Bloom’s taxonomy.

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IBM Releases big chunk of code to Apache..

IBM is transferring a chunk of java database code to the Apache foundation: “I.B.M. is handing over the code for Cloudscape, a database written in Java, to an open source group, the Apache Software Foundation. Within the open source group, … Continue reading

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The Living Edens

The Living Edens. Resource site assoicated with PBS’ series “The Living Edens”. For each of the 12 geographic locations, a set of associated Teachers Resources are included — and they are extensive! I looked at a few of them — … Continue reading

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Beautiful photomosaics of North American

For my geology course (potentially)… Well captioned composite images of North America.. Catalog Page for PIA03377: Shaded Relief with Height as Color, North America – generated by the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Catalog Page for PIA04361: Natural Color Mosaic … Continue reading

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E-portfolio Course at Fleming

Fleming College in Ontario has a web developer program that has a new course starting ths is Fall (Sept 2004) Fleming: E-Portfolio. Be interesting to hear more about this after it launches… 90 Hours, Description This ongoing portfolio project is … Continue reading

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Stored Bookmark: Creating an Electronic Portfolio

Another stored site, this one from 11/27/2003… Creating an Electronic Portfolio.I find this site interesting for two reasons: 1) It points to a really good resource on e-portfolios (Seton Hall University College of Education and Human Services Portfolio Handbook for … Continue reading

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A bit dated — LCMS Council

Trolling through my “draft” entries (this one is actually from Nov 2003) I came across this site: LCMS Council. The purpose of the group is.. “…to be a resource for locating existing knowledge about Learning Content Management Systems and to … Continue reading

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