Author Archives: Michelle Lamberson

The Agricultural Sciences e-Portfolio Pilot

Our first pilot for the e-Portfolio project has wrapped up… and early results are outlined in the e-Strategy newsletter article How New e-Portfolios Helped UBC Students Develop Career-Savvy Skills.This pilot targeted a 4th year Career Development Internship (AGSC 496) course. … Continue reading

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Makes my heart go pitter-patter… the ILN

I am absolutely, unabashedly (if that is a word), over the top , excited about the Integrated Lab Network – a project described in January e-Strategy newsletter article, UBC Students in Vancouver Use Science Lab South of the Border in … Continue reading

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What’s a Wiki?

Brian Lamb provides a good introduction to Wikis in this month’s e-Strategy article: “What’s a Wiki? Tap Into the Quickest, Easiest Way to Publish on the Web“. Nice… Hypertext on Steroids…. Watch out, though, most people that try this get … Continue reading

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Libraries Strategic report – The 2003 Environmental Scan: Pattern Recognition

Via Educational Technology, come a link to what looks like a comprehensive survey report, 2003 OCLC Environmental Scan: Pattern Recognition, from the OCLC Online Computer Library Center (a nonprofit, membership, computer library service and research organization based in Dublin, Ohio): … Continue reading

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A Guide to Institutional Repository Software v 2.0

The Budapest Open Access Initiative, with its Guide to Institutional Repository Software, had been mentioned on several weblogs now, including the EduResources Weblog and OLDaily, but I wanted to bookmark it here for the OLT team… Lots to digest but … Continue reading

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Just a good story…

Sometimes, it’s just nice to know that you work at a place that helps makes a difference…. in a variety of ways… Saturday’s Globe and Mail carries the story: From the West Bank to the West Coast, the story of … Continue reading

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Web opens up for learning disabled (BBC)

Article in BBC news, Web opens up for learning disabled describes release from Widgit Software that targets those with learning disabilities. Webwise helps people with learning difficulties in two ways. Non-readers can access information using only symbols, while for those … Continue reading

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VLEs: Beyond The Fringe… And Into The Mainstream

Cool! I had not seen this online conference… 28 January – 4 February 2004 Online Ferl Conference Ferl: VLEs: Beyond The Fringe… And Into The Mainstream

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IBM’s Web Fountain – analysis software

From the same IEEE Online Spectrum Issue is a description of “Web Fountain”, IBM’s new analysis engine, “A Fountain of Knowledge – 2004 will be the year of the analysis engine“ [By Stephen Cass]. This technology makes the Grokker program … Continue reading

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Alberta SuperNet

Via Educational Technology, comes a link to an IEEE Spectrum Online article on the Alberta SuperNet, Across the Great Divide, The Alberta SuperNet is a model for the broadband future–everywhere [By Steven M. Cherry]. The SuperNet is one province’s determined … Continue reading

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