Student Assessment of Learning Gains

Nice website that was shown by Univ Maine participant Mitchell Bruce in our ILN workshop in Bellingham this week:

Student Assessment of Learning Gains — Web Site

…free site is designed for instructors of all disciplines who would like feedback from their students about how the course elements are helping their students to learn.”

Register and you can do the following:

  • Modify the SALG instrument so that it fits your own course design
  • Enable your students to complete this instrument on-line
  • Review and download a statistical analysis of the students’ responses

There is also a link to a site called:

NAtional Institute for Science Education, College Level One. Very very nice set of resources here, particularly for collaborative learning.

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Oblinger – Next Generation of Educational Engagement

Just bookmarking for now — will comment later..

Looks like a good new article in JIME:

The Next Generation of Educational Engagement by Diana Oblinger.

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Learner success

I’ve been looking for some resources in the subject area of Learner Success — namely to assist with one of our e-portfolio projects. I ran across this resource from the Nova Scotia Department of Education, Adult Education Section Nova Scotia & Cape Breton Literacy Network Association.

Documenting Student Success: The Development of a Learner Portfolio

Its quite comprehensive, and aimed at the Adult learning segment — which is what our Access program is about.

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Bloom’s Taxonomy Handout

Learning Skills Program – Bloom’s Taxonomy – Good handout from UVic on Bloom’s taxonomy.

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IBM Releases big chunk of code to Apache..

IBM is transferring a chunk of java database code to the Apache foundation:

“I.B.M. is handing over the code for Cloudscape, a database written in Java, to an open source group, the Apache Software Foundation. Within the open source group, the database will be called Derby. “

Technology > In Competitive Move, I.B.M. Puts Code in Public Domain” href=”” target=”new”>The New York Times > Technology > In Competitive Move, I.B.M. Puts Code in Public Domain

Hmm… according to the “analysts” this may undermine competitors and support WebSphere… time will tell..

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The Living Edens

The Living Edens. Resource site assoicated with PBS’ series “The Living Edens”.

For each of the 12 geographic locations, a set of associated Teachers Resources are included — and they are extensive! I looked at a few of them — I need to go back. The project for Glacier Bay is pretty amazing – intended for 5-10 50 minute sessions, grades 4-8. The lesson plan is very detailed, with linked web resources, an assessment strategy (portfolio based), ties to national Standards….. wow!

“… This study guide appoints students as park rangers. As students role-play Glacier Bay Park Rangers, they become acquainted with the career of a park ranger; and they also experience Glacier Bay as a laboratory for observing, studying, and appreciating this paradise of ocean and ice and its inhabitants. “

Well done….The site includes profiles of the following sites:

Glacier Bay – Alaska’s Wild Coast
Kakadu – Australia’s Ancient Wilderness
Kamchatka – Siberia’s Forbidden Wilderness
Madagascar – A World Apart
Manu – Peru’s Hidden Rainforest
Namib – Africa’s Burning Shore
Ngorongoro – Africa’s Cradle of Life
Palau – Paradise of the Pacific
Patagonia – Life at the End of the Earth
South Georgia Island – Paradise of Ice
Thailand – Jewel of the Orient
Yellowstone – America’s Sacred Wilderness

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Beautiful photomosaics of North American

For my geology course (potentially)…

Well captioned composite images of North America..

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E-portfolio Course at Fleming

Fleming College in Ontario has a web developer program that has a new course starting ths is Fall (Sept 2004) Fleming: E-Portfolio.

Be interesting to hear more about this after it launches…

90 Hours, Description

This ongoing portfolio project is intended to incorporate and demonstrate the student’s new skills and knowledge as the program progresses over three semesters. The outcome in the final semester will be an e-portfolio comprised of research and examples that incorporate elements of the student’s course work.

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Stored Bookmark: Creating an Electronic Portfolio

Another stored site, this one from 11/27/2003…

Creating an Electronic Portfolio.I find this site interesting for two reasons:

1) It points to a really good resource on e-portfolios (Seton Hall University College of Education and Human Services Portfolio Handbook for Students –


2) It’s also a really nice example of a good, complete review of an educational resource/Website…

Full reference:
Paolucci, P. (2003). Website review: Creating an Electronic Portfolio (Author: Roberta Devlin-Scherer). Educational Technology & Society, 6(3), 89-90, Available at (ISSN 1436-4522)

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A bit dated — LCMS Council

Trolling through my “draft” entries (this one is actually from Nov 2003) I came across this site: LCMS Council.

The purpose of the group is..

“…to be a resource for locating existing knowledge about Learning Content Management Systems and to encourage investigation and discussion of issues concerning the future of the development and delivery of learning content. “

I’m not sure if this organization has really held together; the material on the site is pretty dated, but the white papers are interesting.

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