Collaborative Learning Environments Sourcebook

Via elearnspace, a link to the Collaborative Learning Environments Sourcebook.

As described from their site…

This is a sourcebook for academics and students who want to develop collaborative learning environments (or communities of practice) in which lecturers, students and others can work together to create new knowledge while learning new skills. Click on the links on the left to browse through the book. The book is currently in the process of being (collaboratively) developed, but already contains quite a lot of useful material. Below are details of the larger project that the book is a part of.

Looks like this might prove useful for the ongoing search for community tools….

Need to spend a bit of time there…

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Back to an accessibility question…

Sunday AM, and my head is spinning from all of the interesting dialogue about RSS that is going on…. and still mulling over Merlot…

Leave it to Alan to dig up a cool resource on RSS at Lockergnome to spin me out further.By way of that resource, I tripped on another one at dotnetjunkies that talks about translating RSS to HTML…

Which got me thinking about something that has been in the back of my head for a while, and we did do some preliminary investigations on…

But I still am not sure that I have looked at this question enough…..

If we are placing RSS feeds into a course environment via a javascript command…. can a screen reader pick that up? I know that when I look at the source, I do not see anything but the javascript…

If not — is the RSS to HTML transformation one way of pulling that off? What other techniques might be used?

I think I need to visit our Disability resource centre…

I’m hoping someone with a bit more technical umphh out there in RSS and Weblogland can reassure me on this one…

Any help out there?

Posted in Course Management Systems | 3 Comments

Instructional Design Posting

Nice Instructional Design posting at elearningpost Learning by Design. I want to share this with a few people, so I better bookmark it!

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Another IMS Content Packaging Editor

Something I first noticed back on August 3…. the IMS Package Editor, developed by Boon Kee Low of the University of Edinburgh. It says at the site that this software will be renamed “Educational Content Packager or EC-Pac” for the next release, which will incorporate SCORM 1.2. Not sure if that has been released or not…

What I like about the site is the documentation provided — the language is pretty straightforward.

Need to look into this one a bit more….

Added Aha… this morphed into ReLoad… feeling a bit like Emily Latilla (I think that was the name) “Never Mind…..

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ReLoad Package Editor

For a paper Brian Lamb and I been working on (for the OSU conference mentioned in an earlier posting ), I’ve been trying to understand content packaging programs. I ran across the ReLoad Package Editor , put together as part of a JISC project by Phillip Beauvoir and Paul Sharples at the Bolton Institute in the UK.It’s free to download and use. It does a nice job, even if it does not render packages as nicely (simple framed interface, no navigation arrows) as packages brought into the Microsoft LRN Viewer and the Package Editor that Macromedia released for use with WebCT. Could be that I don’t understand how to get that to happen! I was just pleased to find out that I can export an existing WebCT Content Module, and pull it into a variety of standards-based tools.

More information about the Reload Project is available here. The UK’s JISC Community is sponsoring so many excellent projects!

Must admit… modularity of export is huge for me…

I think that course management systems need to be pushing the envelope at the modular level — enabling export, not just import. How else are we going to leverage all of the material already in course management systems?

I’m not concerned about this because I think we need to be concerned with migrating out of existing systems into other systems, I just think sharing is easier when the content chunks are smaller and are easily extracted.

I posted something on this on the WebCT Users List post a while back (June 19, 2003)….

Here’s what I said:

HI all,

I just returned from the First Canadian WebCT User Conference, hosted in excellent fashion by the University of Alberta. Susan Stein and her team are to be congratulated for being fabulous hosts, and providing a wonderful program.

In preparation for that conference, I was able to work with the WebCT Campus Edition 4.0 Content Migration Utility (CMU). From the standpoint of a long time user of WebCT, and in support of new users and shareable content in general –> that utility ROCKS!!!!!! (In my professional opinion as a geologist.)

The 2.0 Content Migration Utility (CMU), when installed to a 4.0 server, allows an instructor (designer) to import and export individual Content Modules, and Quiz databases (with quizzes intact, settings and all). Microsoft LRN packages (see: can also be imported*.

The key differences between this CMU and previous versions are:
1) Modularity (parts of courses, not whole courses)
2) Instructor Control (as opposed to administrator-driven)

Think about the possibilities of this.

For new course development:
1) Start with your campus or department template
2) Select relevant content modules from your colleagues or a local campus or department repository
3) Modify them for your specific context
4) Import appropriate quiz banks from colleagues or a local repository
5) Develop more materials as appropriate
6) Populate the course with your students and go.

You could also revitalize existing courses by exchanging newly developed materials and quiz banks. I can see departments working with Librarians or other academic support units (e.g., Student Services, Career Services) to develop modules that can easily
be shared and contextualized… my brain hurts with this one.

The WebCT Campus Edition 4.0 Content Migration utility, in essence, allows us to take the obscure and contentious learning object concept, and make it a reality for WebCT users. I prefer using the terms reusable media or shareable content myself.
Functionality like this should encourage more collegial sharing. Who knows – more people may start to use repositories!

Thought I would share this….


*For example, a PowerPoint, converted to LRN, can be imported into as a Content Module. One caveat — the process works for IE only — Microsoft places proprietary code so one cannot see it in Netscape. Sigh — I would love to know how to get around that!

Way cool…

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Merlot Blog-o-rama

Holy Toledo….

I can’t feel more guilty than now..

Seeing Alan’s and Brian’s blogging at the Merlot conference… among many others…

I feel guilty for not doing a play by play of a Merlot talk…I simply sat in talks and enjoyed them. Then again, I was always a really lousy note-taker….

Ask any one of my former professors who was sleeping in the front row…
and my name was likely to come up.

As a matter of fact, I remember a first year geology course at BU where the professor began the year by informing us that those “who came to class, took notes, and paid attention” would do well in the course.

Fast forward to the midterm, where, well ..

Lets just say, I did well….

Stunning the instructor, who noted…

… as I indicated at the beginning of the course, those who came to class and paid attention did well. Then again, there are those who didn’t come to class and didn’t pay attention, and still did well, and I don’t understand it !

–> looking pointedly at me…

I was a challenge as an undergrad, I have to admit… not sure that that has really changed, it has simply morphed a bit …. ask Brian

Anyway… back to the subject at hand… blogging at Merlot…

I do feel guilty for not taking massive notes… but that has never been my fort

Posted in Fun Stuff | 1 Comment

myfuture — Australia’s Career Information Service

An interesting site was mentioned in the second day Plenary Session at Merlot.

myfuture: Australia’s career information service

The session was led by Garry Putland, EdNA Online (ECollaborative Online Services – an Australian Perspective) – a Description is provided in the General Session Page at the Merlot Conference web site:

I’m just bookmarking this site for later reference… want to pass it along to our career services folks at UBC.

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Minnesota State Colleges and Universities SCORM tutorial

I’m sure that there are kazillions of SCORM tutorials out there now. I ran across the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities SCORM tutorial this morning.

There are quite a few technical terms in this… nicely, it links to a dictionary…

Posted in Learning Objects | 1 Comment

Trainers Introduction to eLearning

Another neat link to check out a bit later….

What is the difference between a Learning Management System and a Learning Content Management System?

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Interesting Handbook — FSU

Something else to check out and send along to our TAG folks…

Florida State Instruction Manual – Chapter 4

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