Interesting site to check out….

E-Learning Competency Centre

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Open Source Article

Refered to me by Ted Dodds, AVP for IT at UBC —

The Aug 1 edition of the The Chronicle of Higher Education has an article on the Open Source Movement:

The Chronicle: 8/1/2003: Sharing the Code

The article highlights uPortal as one of the “proven” collaborative efforts, citing how there are no restrictions on use – -hence the technology can be leveraged by non-profit and for-profit organizations alike. Carl Jacobson from Delaware is featured …

One intriguing suggestion comes from Jacobson… he suggests that the future may hold a move to services… where companies release code and sell services to the marketplace….

Cool article.

(Saved on Jul 31, but not published until Aug 10.)

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Geology Labs Online

Thanks to the posting in today’s Distance Educator Daily News, I was drawn back to one of my favorite sites… at Earth and Environmental Courseware.

I used the first version of the “Virtual Earthquake” site when I was teaching intro geology type courses – -I’m sure I have a copy of my “Virtual Seismologist” certificate somewhere.

If you are teaching geology, or just like to learn about it, visit this site! It rocks! (yeah.. that was bad).

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TA stuff

TA Web Template information page

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Roving Bands of Faculty Members…

One of the major highlights of the e-Strategy Town Hall this year was Richard Katz’ keynote (The Adaptive Academy) – with its memorable reference to the Agrarian Era — where educational opportunities were provided by “Roving Bands of Faculty Members” — chasing down and being chased by students in the European countryside.

I really do need to animate that image….

Richard has published an article where he expands upon the historical piece he covered with us, and applied it to the course management space, in his article in the latest Educause Review: Balancing Technology and Tradition: The Example of Course Management Systems.

A worthwhile read!

The entire volume (contents at http://www.educause.edu/pub/er/erm03/erm034.asp) is worth a look… Joel Foreman’s article, Next-Generation Educational Technology versus the Lecture, looks especially interesting!

Many things to read!

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UPortal – “Beginners Guide to uPortal”

Just ran across a relatively new (July 4, 2003 — published in the UK) Beginners Guide to uPortal.Looks quite interesting and easy to read.

Authors are: Lee Chamberlain, Margaret Nah Juahkah, and Robert Sherratt of The University of Hull. The initaitive was funded under the FAIR Programme of JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee.

Funny – I have been looking for something like this for a while! Whose name do I see as one of the contributors — a reformed geologist I have known for a while — Paul Browning of the University of Bristol. Cool!

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e-Portfolios and Mutts… nice combo…

Mutts has GOT to be one of my favorite comics. The strip that appeared on June 23, is excellent…

Sums up e-Portfolios, eh?

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Shibboleth 1.0 Released

The Shibboleth Project – Internet2 Middleware has released the first production version of Shibboleth — (cool name, eh?).This project is..

“..developing architectures, policy structures, practical technologies, and an open source implementation to support inter-institutional sharing of web resources subject to access controls. In addition, Shibboleth will develop a policy framework that will allow inter-operation within the higher education community.”

I first saw this demonstrated last winter — with a WebCT-Shibboleth – Web Assign – OSU libraries (I think) project – see it at: http://shibboleth.internet2.edu/docs/demo-instructions.html.

Pretty exciting stuff… being able to pass from system to system, without having to reauthenticate. This type of functionality will be important to our intra-and inter-institutional efforts (like the Integrated Lab networks!).

Now all I have to do is understand how it works…

Wait… somebody here with technical wizardry has to understand how this works! I just NEED it to work!

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If your Favorites folder in Explorer is anything like mine.. it is a treasure trove of information, guarded forever from discovery by its random (and that is a kind description of mine) organization.

Once again, Mr. Alan Levine, Blogmeister extraordinaire, to the rescue with Blogshop…If you have not had a chance to check out Blogshop, a workshop on creating Moveable Type Blogs (MT, for those in the know), and you are a new blogger (me, I don’t even qualify as new, just struggling).. do it!

You may save your friends a lot of questions (too late for mine, sorry Brian and Jim…)

One of the coolest gems in the workshop is the information on bookmarklets, Blogging with the MT Bookmarklet. As Alan explains in the posting, a Bookmarket essentially allows one click access for posting to your weblog. Once set up, your blog is available from either a right click, or the dreaded favorites menu (aaaaaahhhhh!!!).

Now all I have to figure out is, do I set up a “Favorites Blog”, or …?

Strangely enough, there is an article by Greg Notess on Bookmarklets on the Infoworld site. This site points out the distinction between Bookmarks, Bookmarklets and other such things… and how to use them.

The world appears to be unfolding randomly as it should….

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Dialogue Journaling

Another techique that Barbara Cambridge showed us, that really helped us understand that e-Portfolios are not, contrary to what I thought before the workshop, a solitary effort, but fundamentally social: dialogue journaling. A good set of links related to Dialogue journaling, is found at the National Center for ESL Literacy Education (dated 2000): Dialogue Journal Bibliography.

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