Gr8 & 9 mid term marks ready

Great news. I have read and marked most outstanding assignments for gr. 8 and 9 from report card last to date.

Quite a few people are missing submissions. Rather than put zero, I have neither counted missing assignments against, nor for, any accumulation, unless it is a major assignment. I will give an overview of which ones are the major assignments Monday.

Why did it take so long?

Originally, in December I was told I needed a) a new rubric specifically tailored to every assignment b) to decide upon and take only the last assignment produced by students close to the next report cards. Formative feedback was relied upon largely instead.

Since this time, I have been allowed to change strategy and use a writing for SS and LA rubric for most assignments, cutting down my creation of rubric time immensely. Last assignments in the term will instead be weighted more than those at the beginning. You can find all the rubrics here.

Because of these January adjustments, I am confident I will be able to continue to give you timely feedback for the remainder of the year.

Please note: I will only  be able to provide feedback on Google docs, in-person and on paper only until email suspension is lifted.

Most people have shown a delightful improvement, however, students missing submissions will see a significant drop because the assignments are worth more (being more labour-intensive)  and there are fewer of them this term, so far.  I will be making a round to individuals who are missing items and clarify questions so you may make up past work confidently.

Thanks for your patience!

Gr 7s – I expect to be done marks by Wed (perhaps earlier).


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